Keep in mind

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i am in chains
And nothing can free me from the pains
I lie in bed
There are voices in my head
I push them down deep
Anything in order to sleep
I sigh
I roll over and close my eyes

I sat straight up, things have changed
Though nothing has been rearranged
Everything is black and white
I stumble to the door and am blinded by the light
My home is gone
This is all wrong
I move to the driveway
But I stop mid way
A creature stood were dads car had stood
" well, well, well," he chuckled and stewed

"Can it really be you? Come here!"
" my goodness it's been so many years ,
but it must be hard to find time in your pathetic life!" He leered
" have you forgotten us again oh dear,
Well if you can't remember us must remain here,
But if you're keen to leave
Walk around lesson to the voices, they are familiar, I believe?"
I turned and walked down the driveway
But figure blocked my way
He struggled on the ground
I moved toward him and looked around
A large burden on his back
He suddenly gasp, his body seemed to slack
"I hate his place.." The creature gave a moan
" they said I could go home...."
" they said I could go home today...."
" they said that yesterday...."
I moved away
I continue down the driveway
But soon I saw in the bushes deep
Another creature breathing deep.
"Gasp, gasp. I'm finally alone, they stopped chasing me," he said with fear
they won't find me here!"
So why can I still hear him?
So why can I still hear them?"
I moved away
But heard someone say..
" aren't you scared?"
" your life is meaningless, are you aware?
You killed your relationships, friendships and now your mind!
Now it's your turn, for the way out you shall never find!"

Under the pepper tree
Stood a creature I could see
He sighed." Nothing matter anymore..
Getting up is just a chore..
There is nothing to look forward to
They all gave up on me, and I gave up too,
He looked up at the trees
A noose swung in the breeze
" this one is tall enough I believe!"
Another one sat on the fence in peace
I approached but the a buzzing never cease
I moved away toward the neighborhoods house
A creature pounced on the door like a cat on a mouse
"Doorslockdoorslock it was only for a second oh god no!!!
Oh please let me in,forgivemeforgivemeforgiveme I didn't mean to go!!!"
I walked away from the sad sight
Moving down to the street light
A creature walked in circles around
He was bleeding from the mouth, ears nose and eyes leave a trail on the ground.
" oh god!!" He cried." The blood follows me!
I cant let them see
They'll know it was me
There no place to run no place to hide
Not when this blood is on the inside!!!"
I ran from him I couldn't think
I didn't stop till I reached the creek
I saw a creature staring at a tree
I walked closer in order to see
" I haven't slept in three days.."
I stare at this tree to keep him away..
THERE!!! Did you see them?
Close your eyes! He can't see you if you can see him!!"
A creature sat crying by the creek bed
I walked over to to hear what he said

" I'm tried, I've never been this tired before..
I don't want to do this anymore..
Maybe this river can carry me far away..
Maybe then will I see a better day..."

I walked away I couldn't bear the sadness
What was all this madness
I saw a creature who was choking on blood
The red liquid gushed out like a flood
" I wretched up my insides in place of all the things I never said..."
He choked." All I can taste is blood, all I ever taste is blood." He choked as he bled!
To the pepper tree
At the edge of the field was a creature to see
" disgusting," he spoke
" what an insignificant thing,"
" do you realize your insignificance?
Disgusting creatures deserve the mud!" He took a proud stance
So keep squirming in the mud!" He ended his rants
Turned to see a headless beast
He spoke some words though with no mouth to speak
" I will always be with you...
Like a disease, you can try and try but I'm still with you!!"
I walked away
Keeping away from this thing as much as I could stay
But I saw in the ditch
A creature who seemed to be in a pinch
Worms crawled from his mouth, he cried
" the worms!!! The worms!!! So warm inside!!!
" the only comfort I have when I am empty inside!!!"
I backed away slow
Hopping my terror didn't show
I walked up the street to the neighbors top Garage to see
Another creature at the top under a tree
This figure was split right up the middle
The half's argued with each other they seemed were yelling a little

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