Chapter 15: Basketball

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It's how everything progressed quickly in Brienna's mind.One moment she was a shut-in person, hiding away from humanity's eyes and now, she got a letter; a letter addressed to her. However, it was no ordinary letter. It came from the mafia.

So you're alive.

Brienna didn't now what to think. She didn't know who wrote it nor where it came from. The penmanship was one she had never seen nor does she suspect anyone that is closely associated to her to have sent it since thy knew nothing of her past.

Brienna laid down on the mattress, staring up at the ceiling, letter in hand. What was she going to do now? She didn't know. She had already searched through the security cameras and now, she laid on her bed, not knowing what to do.

It was not just that, that had been bothering her. Brienna was told that she shall accompany Keith to Philip because of a celebration. A celebration of her birthday held y the Spencer family. Just because they didn't find her, their long-lost daughter/sister, it didn't mean that they still couldn't celebrate.

No one knew she was alive, until now but one thing is for certain is that no one in her family will recognise her, not as yet. Her diamond blue eyes are starting to give her away. Those eyes were once dull but now, thanks to Keith, they are starting to brighten up and going back to the original happy eyes they were many years ago.

Brienna closed her eyes and rolled to her side on the bed, snuggling her cheek on the fluffy pillow. She knew this was going to happen but not this soon. Maybe after she was announced as the long-lost princess of Philip then, maybe.

Brienna's POV...

I walked down the pathway and followed the sound of a basketball bouncing after deciding it was best not to think about it that much. I stare at the door in front of me, knowing what was just ahead. Opening it slowly, I peeked in to see Keith shooting a three-pointer.

As of that moment, I found myself staring at him was the moment he looked the door but, he didn't seem to see me, as he shot another sunk into the basket with barely a sound. Then he went for another slam dunk. Opening the door slowly and quietly, I decided it was better to not hide anymore.

"Hey, Brienna." He looked at me in surprised which didn't shock me. It was my first time seeing him play basketball in person, not to mention up close.

"You are good at basketball, aren't you, Keith." I smiled gently and walked towards him.

"Come on, anyone worth a damn can handle this much." He ranked a hand through hs hair, droplets of sweat gleaming off his perfect skin.

"I never seen anyone that good in my life, let alone meet them," I said honestly, stopping in front of him. I stared at his mesmerising emerald eyes feeling many emotions inside of me, positive ones.

"Hmm, but, I'm sure Jardin is better than I am." He tucked one hand into his blue long pants as he responded.

Jardin is currently a super-famous professional basketball player and is playing in Liberty's national basketball team. I tried to recall in my mind.

"When I was just a little brat, we used to play one-on-one all the time, but who cares about him anyways." I chuckled at his statement, with my eyes closed.When I open them back, he was closer to me, looking at me intently. "More importantly, you seem different today." My eyes widened a bit and I looked back at him.

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head to the side a bit, truly wondering what he meant but he didn't say anything. Instead, he was still looking at me, as if he fully intended to touch my hair. My heart beat quicker at the sudden silence, making me shift in my position.

Keith finally reached out to actually do the job, his cheeks immediately coloured and he pulled his hand away.

"I'm sweating bullets, damn." His cheeks were flushed as she looked away shyly. He mopped his brow quickly with the edge of his white t-shirt. I really didn't care either or way since I used to be like that. Sweating profusing after training. I grinned to myself; it was oddly cute in its own way.

"You should go and shower, Keith, since you did sound concern about your sweat." I turned away and started to walk to a ball, but he spoke up.

"Why don't I bring you with me?" I stopped where I was going and turned sharply, glaring at him a bit.

"I am fine without a shower, thank you very much." I continued walking and bent down to pick a basketball up. Though I knew he was joking, I was still a bit embarrassed since we didn't have sex as yet. The most where Keith got to see my naked body was that time when I was on the floor while he was on top of me. I blushed, even more, reminisce the past.

"Man, you take those things way too seriously, you know that?" Keith says a bit dejectedly.

"I do not. You're the one asking me to do weird things." I continued picking up the basketballs that were scattered around the court and place them back where it belongs, on the rack.

"All right then, why don't I help you get all nice and sweaty, hm?" I place the last basketball on the rack and turned to around to see Keith walking towards me.

"I think not." I crossed my arms and looked away from him knowing that a blush already made its way back to my face. It just has to be you, doesn't it? I glance back at him to see him snort in dissatisfied laughter but I didn't care.

"Well, well," His footsteps were louder than before, and soon enough, he stopped right in front of me. I sighed and look at him, gazing down at me, pulling himself up to his full height. "It really is a shame." He said without any emotions.

"A shame? Don't make me laugh." I rolled my eyes and continued," The real shame will be if the balls go flat while you're looming over me like that."

"Oh, there's a worse shame I can think of." His eyes glimmered as eh looked at me, ever more intensely. "What if I were to tell you that I wasn't joking?" His eyes hardened with seriousness as he pressed his lips into a thin line.

I raised an eyebrow at him, trying my best to ignore my punding heartbeat. I looked down at my feet, then look back up, his eyes serious, searching mine for hidden clues that he might get.

All of a sudden, he grasped my shoulders with such force that made me stumbled back and hit the rack, resulting in making me trip as orange balls scattered all over the place once again, but he didn't care. He was still looking at me with those serious eyes with the only difference of our body positions.

Keith held my shoulders, pushing them down firm wooden court, making me stare back at his eyes, burning with desire. I had no time to even grasp before his lips were on mine, hard and possessive, stealing the breath right out of me.

Slowly, his hands travelled down my curves, tracing them slowly while I, on the other hand, wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer. We deepened the kiss. His lips moved in sync with mine although he started to nibble on the bottom half, hoping for an entrance which I happily obliged. He showed no sign in stopping nor did I.

Keith, I entangled my hands into his damp hair, I love you.

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