Chapter 1(Spoppy)

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*In Damsels in distressing class *
Sparrow:*Thinking*I am looking at the most beautiful girl in the world , Poppy 'o'Hair .
King Charming:Sparrow Hood , Can you please tell us in where are you lost.
King Charming :As I was saying today we are going to save damsels and I am going to team you up .So Chase and Holly, Daring and Briar, Alistair and Darling , Dexter and Ashlynn , Sparrow and Poppy.
Sparrow:*Thinking* What in the kingdom , he partnered me up with Poppy .
King Charming :We will have some distraction and they are -Maddie and Kitty and Hunter .
Daring :How are they distraction ?
King Charming Maddie will keep throwing water balloons .Kitty will prank you.Hunter will shoot arrows.

Chase's pov
First I was crossing the enchanting forest .Then Maddie and Hunter  started shooting me with water balloons and arrows .Kitty started appearing in front of me and when I take another way she appeared there as well. Somehow I dodged them all and went to the tower .There I saw Holly freaking out  , I cleared my throat .She looked at me with fear .I asked her , Is something wrong , you look scared .She said, I am scared of heights .First we started to walk then I remembered that King Charming told us to carry our damsels .I picked Holly up and went back at EAH .I saw Daring was carrying a sleeping Briar .

Each one of them fought and brought their damsels back but  Sparrow didn't reach yet .

Sparrow:I was almost near the tower , I chased Maddie, Kitty,Hunter with my  singing. When I reached there I saw poppy reading a book .I decided to tell her my feelings .
Poppy:Hey Sparrow , lets  go .
Sparrow:I stopped her by holding her hand and pinning her to the nearest wall and kissing her
Poppy:What was that for?
Sparrow:Poppy , I love you .
Poppy:I love you too
And they went back to EAH
Sparrow:I again got scolded .
Poppy:Holly , I and Sparrow Hood are dating .
Holly :That's brilliant .
Soon after they were a official couple at EAH and thry lived happily ever after.

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