Those Accepted

100 9 5

When selecting the new team for the RPC I read over 100 applications.
Like I'm not joking 😂😂

You guys are all so talented! But here's the thing, I was looking for the best of the best

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You guys are all so talented! But here's the thing, I was looking for the best of the best. I was looking for people who were; confident in their abilities, had experience with role playing, had a bunch of free time on their hands, and displayed creativity throughout their writing. The following people made it onto the team:

Listed in no particular order


Thank you to all of those who applied! This was not an easy decision at all. Remember to hit that follow button and tell your friends about the RPC. Those of you who were selected will receive a pm and/or email from me shortly.

Thanks guys!
-Glitz1300 ❤️ (creator of RPC)

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