"Mr.Tomlinson,we need to talk to you.",the nurse quietly said. I was visiting my wife Diana at the hospital because she cut herself again. She is very insecure so this isn't the first time this has happened. I've learned not to get scared.
"She is gone",the lady said. I couldn't help myself, I ran into the bathroom and started crying. Why? All of my band mates came to the hospital with me so when I walked out of the restroom with red puffy eyes they knew that she wasn't in this building anymore. All of the guys gave me a big hug but it didn't help.
The car ride was silent except for the tapping of Harry's keyboard on his phone. I dropped all of the lads off at their homes and when I arrived at my own she was on TV. I remembered Diana saying that it only hurt a little when you cut yourself. There was a knife on my counter, I went for it. I don't know how everybody reacted to this but the boys knew it was so I could be with Diana, and now we are together in heaven. Forever.