Track 01 : The melody in my heart (Pt. 1)

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A starry sound sounds through Crow's headphones before the first beats of the song Wave (A/N: the Song's originally from the Vocaloid Lily, but every dimension is there quite different), by the quite new Artist Heat Summer blasts on full volume through his ears as he walks towards the recording studio of Banded Rocking Records, or BRR for short.

"This mistaken universe is ending 
The green lights are always on 
Even when I stop flying 
I still feel like I'm airborne"

The female's voice is very soft even with the electronical background music. "No wonder that she's starting through with the band and solo. Her voice's the best! But not as good as mine of course...", the red hedgehog thinks while Heat's voice sings on.

"Heart connect 
Falling in love with ancient people"

The vocalist of the Visual Kei band ShinganCrimsonZ looks through the street he walks in. A lot of other myumons, musicians and non-musicians are walking through the brightly coloured city, minding their own business.  The song still sounding in his ears, he walks on.

"Delusion collect 
a petrifying romance"

Crow's scarlet red eyes darts over the ranking list, seeing his band surprisingly close to the top, where Trichronica, a famous Idol band, is still holding the first spot.

I dance in this dream

The moon's brightness covers me 
My body is swallowed up by this resounding sound 
It's like now I can't feel fear 
Now this radiancy 
Is aiming at my heart 
The world spins and spins"

He sights. "As usual they're on top. Whatever... We're gonna destroy their cutsie pop with our music soon or later. It's not the time now", the small hedgehog thinks and continues walking to the studio.

"I stop trying to think  
I aim at the red lights  
I want to escape and still I'm gliding 
I still feel like I'm making my getaway"

The electronical beat still in his ears, Crow smiles. There's a lot to do in Midi City, but he's actually more interested into his music and where the band Chaos Squad is gonna perform next. He loves their music and luckily their concerts are getting streamed online so that he can see them live. Not live and on stage, but it's still something.

"Opening next 
Skype with aliens 
Delusion select 
Electromagnetic romance"

"Why does such a rock band can sound so different, yet keep their own style?", Crow asks in his thoughts, "Sure they aren't changing members but still... I really had little to almost none interest in electro pop or anything in that route, but their sound is so unique that I like, no love it. Even TsureTsure can't keep up with this colourful variety"

I sleep in this night"

"The moon's brightness covers me 
This resounding sound leads my body astray 
It's like I've forgetten how to be violent 
Now this radiancy 
Is aiming at my heart 
The future draws nearer and nearer"

The vocalist slowly reaches his destination, still with Wave playing over his earphones.

I dance in this dream"

"Tomorrow's voice lures me 
This resounding sound is repainting my future 
It's like it won't allow me to stop 
Now this radiancy 
Is aiming at my heart 
The world spins and spins 
The future is in sight, in sight"

"Lalala lala lala 
Lalala lala lala"

"Lalala lala lala
Lalala lala lala"

With the fading sound of the song, he reaches the building in which his agency is located and walks in while plugging the headphone out of his phone after pausing the upcoming song, Elect.

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