Agustin ties Ash to the far side of the cave, away from the firewood and grass. He walks over to the pile of grass and picks up a handful, putting it before Ash. He reaches into a bag that the servants packed, pulling out a large sleeping mat. I look back at the fire. "How does the smoke escape?"
"There are many holes in the ceiling and sides of this cave. Not big enough to let anything through, but just big enough to allow smoke to escape. Come, sit beside me, and I will tell you of my life, but first, I must tell you of the events that happened long before either of us were born." I sit close to him on the mat, and those flutters return. Oh, I wish I knew what they meant!
"Long ago, there was no darkness, only light. It seemed that everyone was happy, but appearances are often deceiving. People and creatures alike quit respecting Mother Earth and Father Sea. Soon, nearly everyone was unhappy and restless. After all, we are not perfect. Mother Earth and Father Sea, who once nurtured and closely watched over and taught us, withdrew to the sky and became distanced. Mother Earth and Father Sea fought over what to do about us, their disobedient children that they loved dearly. Mother Earth wanted to return and try to guide us back to her loving embrace. Father Sea, however, wanted to punish us. He felt that we would learn our lesson and behave if we had consequences.
"They could not decide on what was better, so they decided to do both. Mother Earth warned her high priest, Noah, to gather everyone that remained faithful to Mother Earth and Father Sea and build a boat of sorts... an ark. Father Sea commanded water to fall from the sky. For days, water poured from the sky, flooding the earth and drowning those who had lost their faith. Noah's ark lifted from the ground and was directed by Father Sea's currents. When Father Sea finally stopped the raining, Mother Earth summoned land that laid at the bottom of the water to rise. Then, with the soil fertile and wet, she grew enough plants to sustain the survivors for many years. As a gift for their never ending faith, she gifted them with powers.
"At this point, Noah was too old to help guide her children, so she appointed Atlas as the leader. He was only ten at the time, but his head was fully white and he was the most powerful of them all. He had the responsibility of keeping the faith alive, making sure that Father Sea and Mother Earth were loved and revered. It was a heavy burden, but he somehow managed. On his seventeenth birthday, he wedded Ahava. She loved him and the Mother and Father with all of her being. She bore Atlas twins: a son named Matityah and a daughter named Amadora.
"Years passed, and peace was maintained. It was on Matityah's and Amadora's sixteenth birthday when that peace was nearly torn apart. Others had survived the flood and were jealous of the bountiful land along with the powers that Atlas's people were given. They despised Mother Earth and Father Sea and plotted to destroy what little happiness remained. Claec, their leader, snuck onto their land. Earth Mother came to Atlas in a vision, telling him to hurry, that an intruder is looking to harm one of his own, but it was too late. Claec had kidnapped Amadora and set off on a giant bird-like creature. Amadora and Matityah had only recieved their powers that day (as the descendants always do), and neither one knew what they were or how to use them. As twins, however, they shared a natural bond that made them telepathic. Matityah couldn't stop screaming from the horror that he felt and heard his twin go through. Claec raped Amadora several times throughout many months. He felt his sister's horror at the child that grew within her womb and the many beatings that she went through as they studied her. They took several samples of blood, trying to figure out how to gain powers. Amadora was desperate to escape. She did not want her child to be raised in Claec's people's hatred and harsh ways.
"At last, after months of torture, Amadora went into labor. Amadora was not able to escape Claec's hold... it was hopeless. Claec had put extra measures around the land they claimed as their own in order to keep out Mother Earth and Father Sea. Even after an hour since the contractions started, the baby did not come. Amadora knew something was wrong. The pain was endless, and Claec laughed everytime she screamed. Matityah tried to ease her pain, but it was of no use. Finally, after five hours the baby was born. Amadora's son was born with his father's black eyes and a full head of black hair. Matityah cried out to Amadora, sensing something was terribly wrong. She would not respond, her body had given up. There was no hope for her... for her son. She bled out while Claec took her son away from her. Even today, we do not know her son's name.
"They took her body and dumped it into the sea below. Father Sea returned her body to Atlas, Matityah, and Ahava. They mourned her death and Matityah vowed to eradicate those who harmed Amadora... Claec being the first on his list. The years came and went, but their searches were not fruitful. Atlas and Ahava died before their daughter could be avenged. Matityah had to return to lead his people. He eventually married Talia, and they named their first daughter Amadora.
"On Matityah's nephew's eighteenth birthday, Claec and his people came back to Matityah's home. This time, though, they had powers unlike anything they had ever seen before. Through Matityah's nephew, they had somehow gained access to the Earth Mother's first son, Serafeim. Serafeim, the son of Mother Earth and the Sky, had two different forms: pure fire and a serpent, but he could possess human vessels with no powers. For this reason, Serafeim was locked away. He was also jealous of his mother's affections for Matityah's people and managed to mimic his mother's gift. However, these 'powers' were unnatural and came from the bowels of the Earth, a place that lives in shadow. And so they were simply named, the dark ones.
"Because of his mother's ever terrified state during her pregnancy, his powers were twisted. Mother Earth was loving, so his powers most certainty could not have originated from her. He found out that he could speak telepathically with his power's origin: Serafeim. Once Matityah's nephew destroyed the chains holding Serafeim, he guided him to Claec's body. Together, a God and a... well I am not quite sure what Matityah's nephew was... waged war on Mother Earth's and Father Sea's other children. Serafeim kept Father Sea away by scorching the land of any water. He kept Mother Earth busy with his accusations and well aimed balls of fire. Meanwhile, the dark ones fought against Matityah's people. It was a long battle, and it was close. If it were not for the Sky's interference, all would have been lost. The Sky rushed to Mother Earth's aid and helped her to chain their son once more. Matityah was able to slay his nephew, and Father Sea returned to help drown the rest. Even so, some of the dark ones survived. Matityah is your ancestor, Nadine." He pauses briefly. "That was more than millennium ago. The dark ones were conquered, but since then they have gained strength. Despite their growing strength, the result of every battle fought between the dark ones and those faithful to Mother Earth and Father Sea had been the same... that is until a century ago.
"Your great-great-great grandfather Aalam was the king at the time, and his son was young... too young to fight. The dark ones finally came out of the shadows, stronger than ever. Aalam was able to sneak his son along with seven other individuals-- two young girls, one young boy, and two knights along with their wives. Aalam did not survive. He was murdered as he slept, and the kingdom soon was conquered by the dark ones.
"You already kind of know what happened on this island since then, so I won't waste my time on it. Now the mainland, once a utopia designed by Mother Earth, turned dreary and dark. People with powers from the Mother were hunted fervently, forced to either convert and join the dark ones or die. As time went on, it only got worse." He looks at me, pain in his eyes. "Do you still want to hear part of my story?"
"Of course." I put a hand on his shoulder.
"I am," he swallows hard, "not from this island. I was born on the mainland." Shock rolls through me.
"How did you get here? When?"
"I traveled by boat when I was seven, but that comes later. As I said, the dark ones took the land and tried to convert or kill as many light mages as they could find. My mother was a very powerful light mage in hiding. There was a raid on their hiding place, and her entire family-- her mother, father, and five brothers-- were slaughtered before her eyes. The dark mage decided that she was pretty, and like Claec, he raped her several times. Unlike Amadora, my mother was able to escape my father's clutches until I was four. He found us then and killed her. He took me and vowed to bring me up the "right way" as he put it. He should have separated me from her at the moment of my birth if he wanted me to be like him and believe in the same ideals he did. My mother had taught me too much about the light and kindness before he found us. The damage was done, but I knew better to show it. I pretended to be the perfect little boy training to be a dark one. I didn't enjoy any of it. I hated being cruel, but it was necessary.
"When I was seven, he figured that I should learn to survive in harsh conditions, so he sent me to Scorcia to live with each of the tribes for a period of six months each. I returned to the mainland when I was twelve, my mind sharp and my muscles powerful. Father was proud of me. Apparently he had fathered other sons, but they either perished in Scorcia or took the coward's way out and killed themselves. I was the only one to survive and return. He was so impressed that he gave two of his slaves to me... Charles and Daleen. They were not light mages, but for whatever reason, they could not tap into the dark one's magick. At first, they were terrified of me. Apparently being the son of a very powerful dark mage and a very powerful light mage made me some sort of mythical legend. Some of the stories they had heard could not have been true just because I had not reached my sixteenth birthday yet.
"After I finally gained their trust, they opened up to me about the world before the invasion of the dark ones and taught me many things that were considered forbidden. In a way, they became my parents. For three years I befriended them in secret while continuing my facade. On my fifteenth birthday I did the impossible... I tapped into the dark forces accidentally. My father immediately started my training, and in one month I was just as powerful as my father. After that, I strategically brought up Esmeralda Island and the mages that hid there. He agreed to send me there as a sort of spy or weapon or something. I don't really remember, and I didn't really care at the time. All I wanted to do was get away from him... to get away from the place where I had to be cruel.
"It was a good thing that I got away, too. On my sixteenth birthday I went through a transformation as violent as yours, and I did not recover from it for an entire week. Even then, my body felt weak and bruised. The light magick and dark magick fought inside of me. After I finished my transformation, I glamoured myself."
"Why what?"
"Why glamour yourself?"
"The white streaks in your hair are a sign that you are nobility here-- a light
mage. Imagine if Lord William saw me with white streaks in my hair, let alone the amount of white streaks that I have. He would have asked questions. Who's son are you? Where do you hail from? I'd rather not deal with the inquiries from others about my heritage."
"There is something that I want to know."
"How many streaks do you have?" I look at him then shake my head.
"Nevermind, how about you just drop your glamour. I want to see you."
He contemplates his answer for a good minute before nodding and closing his eyes, his lips mouthing silent words. His appearance shifts slightly. His muscles are a little more defined, his lips fuller. He opens his eyes and my breath catches. His cheeks are more angular, and his eyes-- oh his eyes!-- are like an ocean of purple... layers upon layers surround me. I could get lost in his eyes for days... weeks even. Oh Sacred Earth Mother! The fluttering starts up again, more intense than ever. Then my gaze shifts to his hair. There is barely any brown left... his head is almost fully white. It is kind of hard to distinguish how many streaks he actually has. One, two, three, four, five... "I have eight streaks. No one has had more than three in the past five centuries... at least no one documented."
"You have more powers than I do."
"No, no, no... that is not the case. I have nine powers total... eight unique and one that I inherited from my mother... ten if you count the dark magick, which I do not. You have seven unique with two or three inherited. Your father inherited his shielding from his father, and your mother inherited empathy from her mother and telepathy from her father."
"What is your inherited power?"
"Telepathy. If you have inherited your grandfather's ability, then we can converse without saying a single word aloud. It is quite useful when you need to create a distraction. I cannot remember how many times I had to reach into another mind and start buzzing like a bee." He laughs and shakes his head as he reminisces. "I used to do it for fun when I first learned that I could do such a thing. It was quite amusing when I started, watching other people run around the room, swatting at invisible bees. I learned since then that such treatment is cruel."
"Agustin, how old are you?" He cannot be much older than me, but it is sounding like he has had his powers for years.
"Why? Do I look old?" He looks over himself, his hands running over his forehead and cheeks. "Oh supreme Father! I have developed wrinkles already."
"No you have not," I say. I want to be annoyed at his antics, but somehow despite it all, I want to give in and laugh. To my horror, a small giggle slips out... followed by a louder one.
"You must be lying! After all, you are laughing at me. I am only forty six years old, not nearly old enough to develop wrinkles. The supreme Parents must be punishing me!"
Another giggle slips out. "You are not forty six years of age, Agustin," I cry out. "Your cheeks and forehead are as smooth as a baby's bottom. You better thank the supreme Parents that they did not also curse your face with the smell along with the smoothness."
"Oh, Princess. You are killing me," he gasps. He clutches his stomach as a deep laughter tumbles out of his mouth... along with a couple snorts.
"How old are you really?"
"I feel forty six years old. Does that count?"
"No, it does not. How old are you?"
"It has been just over seventeen years since the day of my birth."
"Do you know what all of your powers are?" My mouth suddenly becomes dry at the excited glint in his eyes. "Yes, I do."
"Are you going to tell me?"
"How about I show you instead?" At my nod he stretches his hands out. "One of my unique powers is cyrokinesis: the ability to create and control ice." He takes out a wineskin containing water and dumps it. Is he crazy? Wait. "Using another one of my powers, telekinesis, I can move the water with my mind, freeze it, and put it back into the wineskin." The water stops just before splashing onto the ground and flies up to eye level. The water freezes and takes many shapes-- a miniature castle, a throne, a snowflake, even me-- before moving back into the wineskin. "Now we will have cold water to battle the heat when morning comes once more."
"What else can you do?"
"Look closely at my lips," I hear in my mind."As you can see, or rather hear, I am telepathic."
"Holy Mother," I reply back reflexively.
"Well, I guess we now know that you did inherit your grandfather's ability," he says aloud with a smug smile on his face. "I also have the power to glamour, which you have already seen. Two of my other gifts go hand in hand: Neva- ergokinesis and umbrakinesis. Both include the darkness. Neva-Ergokinesis allows me to manipulate dark energy. In theory, it would help me counter any dark energy headed my way or someone under my protection. That ability helps me sense dark energy and turn the dark energy on the holder. I cannot exactly demonstrate that particular ability right now. Umbrakinesis simply helps me manipulate darkness." He closes his eyes, and I am plunged into darkness, even the fire in the middle of the cavern gives off no light. Then, as if someone had flipped a switch, there is light. "What is even cooler is that I can actually see in the dark as if it were daylight."
"Wow. Can you turn back on the darkness for a second?" He does, and I look in his direction... his eyes are glowing. Glowing! It is as if there is some inner light bursting to be released. "Did you know that your eyes glow?"
"Glow," he asks and reaches up to touch his eyes. "That's weird." He turns the darkness off. "My other powers are not quite as glamourous. They are just enhancements of my physical abilities. My strength has been enhanced to the point that I can lift an adult, pregnant horse above my head with one hand. I have never actually tried to do more than that." His eyes become a blaze. "Do you want me to demonstrate? I can pick you up with one hand."
I pretend to consider it, but the concept sounds rather frightening. What if he dropped me? Falling would hurt. "No, but thanks for the offer. You can probably demonstrate it another day."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course."
"The speed at which I run is also enhanced. I can easily run faster than any horse when they are galloping. I cannot exactly demonstrate that without running into a wall right now. My last one just enhances my senses. I can see as well as an eagle if not better, my smell is better than a bloodhound's, my hearing is exceptional... I can hear a pin drop in a room full of talking people. Taste and touch are the only two senses that stayed the same."
"Can I try to do the things you do?"
"It has not even been a day since you transitioned!"
"I know, but can you at least describe how you do it. Perhaps I have some of the same powers as you do. Please."
"Maybe tomorrow. I need to put my glamour back on." His eyes dull, and his hair becomes brown once more.
"Can you use glamour on others? On me? I do not want to be marked as one of the... foreigners."
"Let me try..." He closes his eyes and then reaches out and touches me. There, it is done. No more white hair. Now, we both need to rest. In the morning we will pay a visit to one of the more... peaceful tribes. That is if they do not find us first. Lay down and shut your eyes."
"Goodnight, then." I lay my head down. I dream of purple eyes.

Nadine's Journey
FantasyNadine's world is shattered as her caretaker Rachel confesses that she stole Nadine from her parents, the king and queen, instead of killing her as ordered. Directly following this confession, Rachel is murdered-- sending Nadine off on a quest to fi...