chapter 4

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As life goes on she still spoke to her friend that had helped her through the break up .....

She had moved on but just a little bit. She still missed him alot though , but in a way she started falling for her friend that helped her through the break up.... . She wasn't sure about it .

He was so sweet and funny and caring though he thought he was dark on the inside.

Last night he (her friend )texted her and she was a little bit down so he was her support at that time .He made her laugh so much all her pain had gone ....and was replaced with stomach pain from laughing so hard ...

There was just one problem he was leaving in less than a week which was really sad so they knew there was no chance for them so they kept their feeling inside and locked away ....

He was about to go to the university and she had exams ... so there was really no point ...

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