
189 11 9

The countdown starts here: 9 chapters left and remember wright after this series is over Our Imperfections begins
That's all


" This is some bullshit, I feel like I don't know you and you my fucking wife, why didn't you just tell me, I would've understood, believed, and stayed wit' you but you been hiding this from me for 3 fucking years, what else' you hiding from me, I can't trust you, fuck you " Kareem said walking away and that hit Keliegh like a bullet but she don't know what came over her.

Keliegh grabbed a bottle and hit Kareem on the back of the head with it making it shatter then Kareem fell forward but Keliegh caught him so he fell unconcious in her arms not hitting any part of his body damaging anything thank God

Keliegh put him down easy them picked him back up by his rist and began to drag his body out the kitchen into the living room

Keliegh Pov

" I'm sorry I panicked "

" He was going to leave me and I refuse to let him plus when he said those last two words I just lost it because my ex' fiancé Demetrius said that to me a lot, way too much "

" So damn much I got used to hearing it and god Damn my husband is heavy "

" I'm gonna' make this up to him I promise but not tonight especially after what I just did "

" God forgive me but I was cut off by my thoughts hearing the small cute voice of our youngest daughter
Karlie "

" Mommy I gotta' tinckle' winckle' " Karlie said sleepy standing at the top of the stairs rubbing her eyes and she had a small bear in one if her hands.

Keliegh giggled at the tinckle' winckle' part which means her youngest daughter has to pee

Her puffy black natural hair was all over the place but still looking extremely cute

Kiley was sleeping and she heard everything and now she coming out her room standing in front of the doorway

" What the...Karlie what you doing, you not supposed to be standing at the top of the stairs like that by yourself " Kiely said coming out her bedroom and walked towards her little sister to help her.

Keliegh sighed in relief

" Kiley is a true God send "

" Karlie baby be careful and Kiley help her to the bathroom, make sure she don't fall in like last time " Keliegh said.

Last time Kiley helped Karlie use the bathroom and Karlie fell in but thank God it was only pee

Kiley helped Karlie take a nice bubble bath after that

" Ok mommy, we love you,
goodnight " Kiley said.

" Goodnighty' night mommy " Karlie said.

" Awwwww' my babies "

" Goodnight you'll " Keliegh said.

Karlie and Kiley went on their way and Keliegh went back to dragging her husband in the living room and soon she'll be putting him on the couch

Keliegh does not want to fight anymore


Keliegh still has on that gray one piece but she removed her robe

Kareem woke up sitting on the couch and something cold on his head and something small and warm stroking his dick

Keliegh had a ice pack on his head

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