It was almost her birthday and he did not even have the time to buy a present. Looking at the time. "NO, its almost 10" Ben wraps up what he needs to do with his paper. Rustles them away into the folder and turn off the lamp for the night. Walking out of the building he jumbles into his pocket to look for his keys. Finding them Ben gets into his car. Driving home, its cold tonight. There is traffic on the freeway so Ben takes a short cut through the streets.
Suddenly he sees a shop that says "open". " Her birthday is tomorrow!" He sighs a deep surrender and parks right in front of the shop. Walking into the shop, the bell rings as the door opens. Looking around, is an antique shop. Dolls on the counter and animal toys on the shelves.
"Can I help you?" A voice stirred from behind. He turned around to find a small short wrinkled mam behind a counter. Ben clears his throat. "Yes, I need a gift for my daughter".... "Do you hate her that much?" the keeper sneered up at him. "What?" Ben felt uneasy. "Just give me a doll and I'll be out of your way."
The keeper walks towards him and looks up. " We have nothing for you." Ben snickered and looked around Seeing a porcelain doll with a blue velvet dress. Its eyes bobbled up and down as he held the doll. "I want this, how much for this?"
" I'ts one of a kind, it has no price" The keeper grunted. "You would not want the doll anyway." Ben gets irritated and takes out his wallet and give out a couple of twenties. " Good Night" he says in a rush. "But sir.." The bells of the doors clang open and he was gone.
Getting back into the car he drives back home. Getting into the garage, he parks the car and turns around. "I'll wrap you tomorrow for her birthday." He gets out of the car and goes upstairs for the rest of the night.
The door clicks open. Slowly walking in. "Where are you?" A sound of clacking was heard upstairs. Walking slowing upstairs, he turns his face to the right. Blood soaked through the rug of the main bedroom. Peering in, Ben's throat was slit and so was his wifes.
More clacking continues to be heard down the hall. Walking slowly into the room. He peers to the bed. The doll was clapping her hand on the bed of the daughter. The doll turn her head to the keeper and waves her hand up.
The keeper looks at the daughter. She remains untouched. He looks at the doll. "Good girl, Deanna." ..."Would you like to add her to the family?" The doll turns to look at the daughter and starts clapping her hands again. "Alright, lets do the preparations..."
Sorry for not updating. I had exams , finally over! If you don't understand the ending. The doll is an actually kid, but she was turned into a doll by the keeper, whose is an actually witch. The keeper is going to turn the daughter into a doll so he won't be lonely. And the store he has is called death dolls for people who want a quick death. If that sounds weird, what? and confusing..then my work here is done.
Short Scary Stories
Short StoryEvery chapter is a short story. I make them as I go. I hope you guys like them! Please Comment or Vote!