Ch.1 (The spark)

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" all starts...and ends with sin."
Ozpin raised his brow as the gears spin above his head.
Oz-"I'm sorry your going to have to be a little more clear mr....? I'm sorry I'm not sure I caught your name?"

I looked back up at him, the heavy thick chains that held me down to the ground, rattling in my ear.
"How about you telling me why I'm here? In chains? In a place where I'd never been before??"

Ozpin stood from behind his desk and walked over in front of me.
Oz-"Please don't mind the chain, you see you have caught the attention of some.....vary worried individuals. These chain are nothing more than precautions. I hope you understand."

I looked back to see the blond women leaning up against the wall, her eyes locked on to me....out of hate..or fear.
I quickly pulled on the chains and she jumped back, she held her hand up ready to fight.....yet I could still see her hand trembling.

Oz-"Glenda please calm down, I'm sure we can straighten this out" Ozpin said as he stepped towers the blond women who I know knew as Glenda.
I wrapped my hands around the cold cuffs and used my semblance to pull my chain apart.
Both Glenda and ozpin looked back to see the chains quickly fall apart. Being ripped away, Molecule by molecule that chains turned to dust.
The cuffs slowly fell apart and hit the floor.
I catch one before letting hit the ground, swinging it over my head the chain started to glow a dim orange.
Glenda stepped away as ozpin only got closer. His eyes wide and gleamed with interest. A smirk formed as my chain hit the ground, letting out sparks.
Oz-"Vary interesting, is this your semblances?"
He asked as he gestured to the chain.
"Yes and no...I don't really know how to describe my semblances. I can control matter and creat objects out of existing matter around me....but the burning....that's somethings else all together". I said as I picked up the glowing orange chain.
The metal was blistering hot yet it was cold to the touch for me.
Oz- "You young man have quite an interesting gift on your hands, please sit. I'd like to.."
Before he could finish I started walking away towards the door.
"I don't want to be here, I just want...I just want to be alone."
I said under my breath.
"Please let me assure you (Y/n), I know these are hard times. In fact I know more then you think."
The TV over the desk lit on and there I was or he was I guess.
The Rider, bones charted to black, swarmed and blazing in hell fire with one goal in mind, find the guilty and punish them.....for they have spilled the blood of the innocent.

Oz- "I know things are hard on you right now....I know about Joshua."
My neck snapped back at the mention of his name, Joshua. The wolf faunas who took me in when I was thrown and abandoned on the street. He was there for everything, then I started school, who gave me a roof over my head and made sure I never went hungry even if that meant that he had to sometimes.
Imagine my surprise I find him In The garage with his throat slit open. Just one day after he told the leader of the white fang...Adam to go fuck himself.
I can still remember what an idiot I was.
Going up and down taking any name anyone would give me just to find the fang.
Imagine my surprise when I found them in a small warehouse with a small army waiting for me.
Imagine their surprise when they opened fire on me and every shot turned to dust as it hit my skin or when they swung their swords and turned to dust as it made contact.

One by one they all fell, all but Adam. I was torn and tired and broken. With one stab to the chest and through my heart, I fell in to darkness.
I can still remember the feeling as my hands and legs going numb, my body growing colder and colder.
Then he came, the Rider. A bright flame lit up the darkness and I took it, I reached out and took it in my hands and came back.
I sprung from the ground as hole in my chest closed itself up. My body began to burn hotter and hotter. I looked at my hands to see them sweat and tremble, my skin starting to steam and eventually burn. The fire took over my body and for what felt like hours I stood there.
A voice echoed in my head.
Vengeance, let me bring vengeance......let me....burn....the sinners.....the blood of.....the sinners
"His deep graveled voice echoed in my ear. For a month, every night I'd wake up and find the sinners, they who spilled the blood of the innocent."

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