to Wales we go!!

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3rd person POV

it was a very beautiful morning. the birds are chirping the sun is shining and a brown haired teen being shaken violently by a blond teen screaming profanites while jumping up and down aahhh what a very beautiful day!!(notice the sarcasm?!?) the brown haired teen the woke up when the blond soaked her in cold water and yelled "Abby Princeton!!! why in the world of ice buckets!!did you soak me in freaking cold water!"the brown haired girl yelled while her teeth are chattering "whoops!!"Abby said "I was truing to wake you up but you won't so I did what other people does on. how to wake people that won't freaking wake up even if shaken violently and/or even if yelled at!!so now go tale a shower and change I have something to tell you in the living room hurry up kitty!!!"Abby said "OK OK chill!"Kitty said

times Skipp!!


kitty finished changing into her night clothes and into her cream colored sweater with a cat paw print in the back and front and her black skinny jeans and cream colored sandals she puts her hair in a side ponytail and went to the livroom she saw Abby sitting in the couch reading a bars and melody magazine she looked up and smiled

"kitty I have something amazing to tell you!!!" "ha?!? really what is it?!!"kitty said while plopping herself into the couch "remember the contest we participated into?!?" "yeah why?!??" "they just called me today and said we feeling won the contest!!"Abby yelled the last part "oh my freaking meatballs!!! we freaking won the freaking contest!!!!"kitty yelled whole doing a happy dance with Abby "oi what all the racket?!?"

they heard someone ask they turned around and saw Kitty's brother Ken Matthew Lynx "you girls could really scream a lot!"ken said while rubbing his ears "ur lucky that Kay didn't wake up from your screaming!" ken said "OK why are you guys screaming early in the morning"they heard a

feminine voice and turned around to see Kitty's sister Kay Lynx "oh Kay you will never believe this!!"kitty said excited "what happened"Kay asked confused" we won the freaking contest!!!" kitty screamed".................. oh wait is that the one you entered last week?!?!correct me if I'm wrong but was the prize tickets to the bars and melody worldwide tour??!" Kay asked

"holy moly that right !!!" but its only for two!"
Abby said upset "oh well that's OK we could really take a break from u guys" ken said " that really hurts ken" kitty said  putting a hand in her forhead while the other one is on her heart

"tch ur so dramatic kitty"ken said "that's cuz I am "Kitty's shot back "stop being so modest kitty ehhehehe"Abby said "OK u girls stop talking now!! OK so when so u guys go to wales?!?"Kay asks "hhhmmm let's see"*ring* *ring* Abby's phone rang "what is that?"

Kitty asks"oh it's about the contest they said that we will be pick us at 12:00 we will stay abroad for five months we will learn from  "

the four looked at the clock up in front of the fireplace and it read,11:20...........silence was heard and kitty and Abby  looked at each other  and screamed "oh my godzz!!we need to hurry!!!"

kitty ran to her room to pack while Abby ran outside and ran her way to her house to pack


hope you guys like it don't forget to like and comment down below buh bye lovelies!!!!!😘😘😘

sorry if its short

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