He sounds like an asshole...

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(( This is like the 3rd OFF x reader i have done? Even though CSR is a fan game of OFF or a spin off lol. If you don't know CSR its actually really good and I recommend you to play it. WARNING it is extremely hard in the beginning and through out the game play! But it is really fun! This x Reader involves cursing and maybe naughty things *insert lenny face here* I may add a lemon to this is ya guys want. I will try and use most of your guys' suggestions. I'm gonna start this one with POV's instead of saying "you or Your/You're every like 2 sentences, so hope you enjoy! P.s, IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED CSR AND YA REALLY DON'T WANT SPOILERS, DO NOT READ THIS!!!!))

Your POV~

I have been Traveling with my friend and dearest Puppet, The Batter, for what seemed like an eternity. All there was to see was trees, a variety of lively and vibrant flowers, and lush green grasses. The path we followed felt endless. Even if I felt like I wasn't able to go on any father, considering how Batter doesn't like to waste time, he always had a way to keep me from falling behind. It's almost annoying, but what can I say? That's just how he is. Mysterious, straight to the point. Jelly made its way onto my legs and feet. My leg muscles stung with each shaky step I planted. Batter looked as if he had no issue, but deep down I knew he was starting to grow exhausted as well. My gaze locked on something ahead of me and my companion. A white object rested on the ground, almost looking recently placed. We stopped by the white object, instantly knowing what it was when I was mere feet away. The two of us stopped at the broken switch. I sat down on the lush, green grass, leaning against the hard cement of the broken gadget. The Batter was standing looking at the sky. He then looked over at me and examined the switch. "This is a broken switch. This is the only thing left from that fake world. It will remain buried here, as a memory."

Hearing those words... Remembering what the "fake world" was. I didn't want to think about it. It was all in the past now, but it stuck to the back of my mind. The Batter motioned to keep going. I got up slowly and began to move down the path with him.

My sight focused more on the ground as we were walking. I kept thinking and thinking. When will it stop? My head began to ache as the memories flooded back. I deeply sighed and kept walking, only to be stopped by Batter's strong and firm arm which he quickly flexed in front of me. I alertly looked up to see one of those pesky phantoms. I looked up at the batter, as the wind swayed through my hair. I could see his deep, blood red eyes. "Well. I guess some things never change." He said nonchalantly still having his four eyes glued to the spectre.

Clutching his wooden bat in his large, pale hands, he ran at the Phantom and whacked it with the weapon, a loud crack traveling through the atmosphere into my ears. The phantom fell to the ground with crimson blood gushing down its head. The deep color spread across the ground, covering the no longer green grass. The more my eyes glued to the red soaking it's way on the ground, the strong feeling of puking became apparent. I looked away not wanting to see the sight of the deceased spirit.

"Wait." I heard the batter call out. "Where are my add ons??" "Do you have anything to do with this?!" The batter looked down at the bloodied spectre. He disappeared as soon as Batter got done asking his question. "...I think not."

We both stood there for a minute. I completely forgot about his add one that helped on our adventure. The blood was still where that phantom have laid. I then looked over at the Batter, seeing his piercing gaze stapled to mine. " Our task now is to search for them. They wont be lost for long. Come (Y/n), we must get going." I nodded and quickly jogged over next to him, relieved that we don't have to stay near the patch of blood it left behind. We continued to walk down the same path. I was starting to wonder where we were even going. I realized this path was just going straight. There was no right of left turns. Perhaps it was covered by the grass and other plants? Even if we were going straight, this is taking way longer than I expected. Hell, we are out in the middle of nowhere. That thought didn't make me feel any better. It has been a long time since we last saw another one of those phantoms at least. I wouldn't want to see another anytime soon.

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