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Soonyoung began his walk home from school. He only lived around 4 streets away from his school. He was in the 12th grade and was generally struggling so much. His grades were low and he just couldn't keep up.

Holding his head down trying to avoid the rain that heavily fell, he ran for an dirty brick alley way that was on his way. The rain continued to fall for the next 10 minutes before he stuck his hand out from under the cover to try and feel how hard the rain was falling. Satisfied with how little was now falling, soonyoung made his way out from the cover and started to walk out of the alley way.

Two figures pushed their way past him as he was exiting the alley. He mumbled a quick "sorry" and continued to walk out of the alley. However; he felt two arms grab each of his shoulders and push his against the dirty brick wall.

The sun that has started to go down left a pink glare around them. Soonyoung slowly looked up at the two men then held him against the wall. They looked around his age. Soonyoung assumed they were just some assholes from his school that wanted something done for them.

He tried to shrug them off but they continued to hold him down, not speaking. Soonyoung took another look that them. In the pale pink light he could see that one of them had icy white hair and another had chestnut brown hair. They both had tanned skin and brown eyes.

"Ok kid we're going to let go now. Stay, okay?" He nodded and let out a low grunt.


"How do you know my name?" Soonyoung interrupted the man with white hair.

"Just stay still and we'll tell you everything," the one with brown hair took over. "Promise not to run?"

Soonyoung looked them both in the eyes and slumped back before letting out a small "yes."

"Great, ok Soonyoung. I'm Mingyu," and one with the brown hair spoke. " and this is Jihoon," he continued pointed to the man beside him who nodded and gave a small wave in response.

"This might sound insane to you, but we're your fairy guardians or parents. What ever you'd call it," Jihoon said with a small laugh at the end.

That was it. Soonyoung had had enough. He pushed past the two and ran for the end of the alley way then to his home.

Soonyoung just sighed and walked into his house, greeting his mother. He then made his way up to his room, where he laid on his bed stomach down, thinking about what happened.

When two unknown boys your age, dressed in all black with weird hair colours approach  you and say their your fairy guardians, it really is considered strange.

"Thinking about us?" A deep voice tore him out of his thoughts. He looked up and was met with the two from before grinning at him.

Soonyoung jumped up and ran to the corner of the room that held his baseball bat from 7th grade and picked it up.

"How did you get in here," Soonyoung said trying to sound fierce but it came out more quiet and shakey.

"Woah calm down, put down the bat," Jihoon spoke calmly while Mingyu beside him was in a giggle fit.

"No! Tell me why you're here, freaks!"

Mingyu stopped laughing and sat down on the black wheely chair that was in his room. "We've told you before, kid. And freaks not a nice word," he said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Bullshit your my 'fairy guardians'. Now speak or I'll call the police," Soonyoung said while reaching for his phone that sat in his back pocket.

"Jesus, kid calm down. We'll prove it," Jihoon spoke with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Yeah, say what you want most in life, Soonyoung. We'll give it," Mingyu said while getting up and looking at Jihoon.

"Fine, get me a dog. Not like one of those wrinkly sharpei things, like a small white chihuahuas." Soonyoung retaliated jokingly.

Before he knew it, a small white plush chihuahua appeared at his feet.

"Well, you never said what exactly you wanted and we can't exactly kidnap a dog. I don't feel like dying today," Jihoon stated dead serious.

Soonyoung just stared in disbelief. Even though it wasn't exactly what he meant, Jihoon did have a point.

"You can stop staring now kid, this is the one time we want you to speak," Jihoon spoke smiling at Soonyoung who just stood frozen.

"I-what?!" Soonyoung just looked the the two who looked like they were about to burst out laughing at the way Soonyoung had reacted.

After Soonyoung had fully comprehend what had just happened he looked at the two. "What else can you do then," he said smirking.

"Anything you want kid-"

"As long as you don't get us killed or anywhere near breaking the law," Mingyu cut into what Jihoon was saying.

"So... I want a large chocolate shake from that nice ass cafe down the street. Now."

"Fine," Jihoon said as the exact chocolate shake appeared in the room.

"Just don't go around using us like this. We're here to protect and help you. Not to bring you food," Mingyu spoke.

"Yeah don't eat to much. Don't want you getting fat," Jihoon said laughing.

Normally Soonyoung would've got really pissed and yelled at them but this was different. An actual chocolate shake had appeared in his room.

"Sooo..." Mingyu said, dragging out the O in so. "Where are we sleeping tonight."

This was something Soonyoung hadn't thought about. He couldn't make them sleep on the couch downstairs, his parents would see and he couldn't make them sleep on the wooden floor. The only things in his room are a wardrobe, a desk, a desk chair, bedside table, and a bed.

"Um can't you just like poof away and sleep in fairy land or something."

The two just looked at Soonyoung then burst out laughing. "That's..not how.. it works," Mingyu said in between laughs.

All three of them simultaneously slowly looked at the bed.

"Fine, but please it's a double bed and there's three of us, don't go rolling or cuddling," Soonyoung sighed and went to get ready for bed before going to sleep in the bed with the other two.

When he got back the other two were in the pajamas already and were waiting for Soonyoung .

"How did you get dressed so quickly?" Soonyoung said confused.

"Magic," Jihoon scoffed before lying down in the bed with Soonyoung in the middle and Mingyu on the other side.

Soonyoung just sighed and leaned over Jihoon to turn off the light.

In pitch black darkness he could hear Mingyu giggle and whisper a goodnight beide going to sleep.

Soonyoung couldn't reply. He was still in shock.

Fairly Odd Parents// k.s.y+l.j.h.Where stories live. Discover now