Ch 4 The Boss Raid Meeting

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Yuui's POV

It's been a little over a month since I last saw Silica and around 2 months since I last saw Kirito and Klein, I miss them all a lot but what can I do. Getting up from bed I walk into the bathroom and got changed into my everyday armour and put my dark blue cloak on before walking out of the inn, of course getting stares like normal. Since I left Silva I have gotten quite the reputation with the name The Young Legend for my amazing speed and accuracy in fighting. After getting my 'name' it was always annoying going round and about in towns, the reason being there always someone to point me out and then a big fuss begins, so I try and avoid it as much as I can but today I couldn't. Hearing wispers and talking, and guess what it's all about, it's about me of course and we are still on the bloody ground floor too. Getting away from the crowds is more like trying to get away from a boss room, it's pretty much impossible. On the way to the boss meeting I grab my hood and make sure it covers me, so no-one can say I'm 'The Young Legend'. After Diabel was giving his speech about the boss raid a man/boy came out of the crowds to where Diabel was and said something about some dumb stuff with people being Bata-testers and if we were we had to say sorry. Yeah as if I would it's not my fault, I even helped make those guide books. Then a man came out as well and defended us Bata-testers, after everything was sorted it turned out Kirito was at the boss raid as well "Kirito!" I said running up to him after the boss raid not remembering I had my hood on "huh? Who are you?" He asked "Haha I thought you may not remember me with this hood on!" I said taking off my hood for all of 5 seconds or so before everyone starts to crowd me "Yuui!?" He said he looked very shocked "Haha yep that's me but I can't really talk here because there are too many people!" I said grabing his arm and dragging him away "wait why?" He asked before I stopped at a big tree "it's because I'm pretty much famous!" I laugh "what how!? It's only been 2 months!" He looked even more confused, that's when I couldn't contain my laughter any more and started laughing like a mad man "it- it's just..That how are you so clueless! I'm 'The Young Legend'! I don't know how you haven't heard about me!" I said still calming down from laughing. After I said that Kirito looked the most shocked I have ever seen him "wait! The Young legend? No one knows that gender it is and now your saying you are it!?" He asked "oh yes! See your special because you know my gender! See this cloak! It's what people think of when they see me! Because its to say that the Young legend is a watcher in the dark! Protecter of the night and.... Doesn't have a gender!" I said with a huge smile on my face "so ok what happens if anyone sees you without the cloak?" Kirito asked "well! Some people know what I look like under the cloak even if they don't know my gender! And I don't know how! Even with my long hair they don't know!" I said still keeping the smile on my face "wow you would have to be an really dumb not to know your a girl when your so cute! Like my sister" he said smiling "Haha thanks! Now come we need to get ready!" I said once again pulling Kirito along and making sure my cloak is still on. After getting into town it was quite busy and we managed to get a lot of attention "it's The Young Legend!" "Who is that with her/him?" "Omg! I want an autograph!" Were the things you could hear as I kept pulling Kirito behind me, that is untill we are safely at the inn. I walk up to the counter and get a room before asking Kirito to follow me instead of me dragging him this time "ok here we are!" I said opening the door "are we sharing a room?" He asked "oh! Yes we are but in different beds of course!" I said skipping to my bed "ok well....What team do you have?" He asked "oh I have one of the rear guards to kill the sentils...And I don't Have a team! I work solo no matter what!" I said with a weird smile on my face "what! This is a boss raid we are talking about! You can't do it alone!" Kirito tried to talk me out of it "no! I can't be in a party but then have them all die! I...I can have anyone die Infront of me like then.." I said know sitting down on the bed with my head down "what?" "Oh no! Don't worry about it plus it has something to do with the 'out side' world" I said, by now my happy smile is now a sad and painful smile "Oh....I'm sorry" Kirito said, now looking down as well "well let's not dwell in the past hey! So I'm going to go into the bathroom to change I'll be back!" I said walking into our/my bathroom to change into my white nightgown. I didn't know why I even changed in the bathroom​ to be truthful, I don't even have anything to hide even if I was in my underpants. It still wouldn't change a thing I did it all the time around my brother so what's the difference. I walk out of the bathroom to see Kirito laying on his bed half asleep "hey sleepyhead....Wake up!" I yell, I sware I'm so mean, the once half asleep Kirito is now freaking out "oi! Kirito calm down its just me!" I said while giggling "god! You know you could have been nicer Yuui!" He half yells "hey! It was funny! Anyway go back to sleep now because I just wanted to say goodnight!" I said walking over to my bed and ploping down onto it "you could of just been a little nicer you know that!" Kirito said, now laying down with his eyes closed "well goodnight Kirito!" I said falling asleep already "goodnight Yuui" Kirito said sounding like he is falling asleep too. Falling asleep I heard a wisper but I couldn't​ make out what was said, so I decided to go back to sleep.

Hey guys! New Chapter! Hope you enjoyed​ it! Have a great day! 💞Bye My Lovely Readers💞

Word count : 1175

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