The Store

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The three friends waited inside the store. The old hag was probably still in the back.

"So you like... these kinds of stores, Diamond?", Iga looked around trying not to be rude.

"Nope, I hate them", Nana muttered. "YO OLD LADY! Come out already", Nana was pretty pissed by the situation by now. It was all that old hags fault! He was tired of Shimas laughs, tired of being flirted with by Kazuma, tired of the looks people gave him, tired of not being recognized by his sister! Worst of all... he looked at Iga who was standing just a decimeter away from him. Iga sent a gently smile back. Nana felt like melting. What was this? Magic? He couldn't stand any more of it. Still he... nevermind.

The old hag walked out to see them. It took three seconds before she was laying on the floor gasping for air as she laughed. Both Shima and Iga looked confused. Nana was furious.

"TURN ME BACK!" , Nanashima yelled.

"You shouldn't take things that isn't yours, young man", she snorted. So it was the doll.
Iga looked more confused then Nana had ever seen him.

"young man?" , he asked. Shima was worried but the old hag just laughed. Nana felt a pit in his stomach. He wanted to die. He was embarrassed but most of all he felt bad about that he had lied to Iga.

"He doesn't know?" , the old hag smiled smugly. Nana gave her a warning look.

"What?" , Iga demanded.

"Well that isn't a girl, that boy just stole a cursed doll which turned him into this", the hag just smirked evilly. Iga puzzled it all together now. Only one person could have been this stupid. He looked at the blond.

"Nana?", he called out, scared of what he was expecting. Nana just looked down in embarrassment.

"Iga I'm...", Nana looked up.

"Don't ever talk to me again!", Igarashi ran out and slammed the door. The little bell made an even worse sound. Nana never wanted this. This wouldn't have happened if Iga hadn't flirted with him in the first place. It's Igas fault for falling head over heels. So why did he feel so bad? Why did it hurt in his chest as he saw Iga mad?

The old hag just kept laughing. Now both Nana and Shima were furious.

"YOU DESTROYED MY SHIP!", Shima threw herself at the old lady. Luckily Nana grabbed her collar in time and pulled her away. Nana could literally see steam coming out of Shimas nose.

"Turn.Me.Back", Nana gritted his teeth in a serious tone.

"Fine. I guess you've somewhat been punished. Give the doll back and things will turn back to normal", she waved her hands in defense.

The doll in his room didn't look like diamond anymore. It looked like a little boy instead. Nana sighed. He felt awful. He took one last look in the mirror before he went to give back the statue. What was it even? A statue, doll, figurine? He couldn't focus. He felt so bad. Why did it hurt so much? He couldn't breathe. He didn't want to breathe. He pinched his arm hoping the other pain would go away. He couldn't take it. He laid down on the floor, knees high against his chest. He felt tears burning in the corner of his eyes. It had all been too much.

"I'm sorry I'm not a girl", he whispered.

Blue strawberry dust and a girl named NanaWhere stories live. Discover now