8 •Meeting the Guy•

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As soon as I enter in Murthy Mansion Mukti Navya Alia start dragging me

Nandani - wait stop .... What Happen....

Ishita - don't you wanna get dress up to meet the guy

Nandani - when I meeting the guy ??

Ishita - after 2 hours so let's Make you ready....

Before I can think anything I was drag inside and given dress and pushed in washroom to get dress...

After 1 and half hour I was ready....
The look is making me nervous like hell.... This look and the way they dressed me is making this sure they all were hell serious .... Ahhh what should I do....

As I move down Everyone was staring me.... But one person whom I want to see me like this is not here....

Manik where are you.... Man I want to see you now....

Raman - princess you look amazing....

Abhi - yes I am sure ma.... That guy will be having hard time seeing you....

Others too said something but I was too restless to Meet Manik that I didn't concentrate on what they said.....

Driver took me too restaurant and the manager took me too my place... as he said the guy has booked whole restaurant.... Quite rich....

I was sitting their and waiting for guy When one guy sit in front of me his face was covered was Bouquet of lilies and Rose...

Lilies are my favorite and Rose they are Manik's favorite .... Okay stop Nandani you are meeting a guy.... Focus....

As the Guy remove the bouquet .....


What the Fuck....
Is happening....

Manik ..... Manik is the guy whom I am meeting.... I should knew this.... His stiffness when I am near... he choke when I ask is he the guy.... No one telling me about guy.... And when I said by mistakenly can you marry me.....

Manik is the freaking guy.....

I was soo fu*ked up here he is smiling.... Iski toh.....

And the water jug is completely emptied by the time..... Even then he is smiling ..... Setting his hair .... He looks hot..... What the hell I am thinking..... Stop it idiot Nandani ....

Manik - This is my first time when a girl welcome me on date like this....

I can't stop my lips curling in smile..... He can make me smile....

Manik - will you listen to me or want to attack on me first with punches....

Nandani - I can't hit you I promised my loving Papa..... Start even I want to hear the loviest confession ever in the world

Notice the dripping sracasm in each and every word....

Manik​ - Everyone knows you being the girl I am going to meet and I being the guy you are gonna meet expect you.....

Nandani - continue....

Manik - I said them not to tell you....

The fear in his voice make me chuckle he looked confused but I nodded in nothing and he continued....

Manik - I want to marry to you.... Only you.... I Love you..... From my all heart 💓 I don't love you from now it's All start from when I was 17 and you was 15..... I know we never went good before But that one year if our friendship wasn't friendship only it was more than that ..... Then the day come when you left India for 10 years.... The freaking 10years I was waiting for you.... Crushes and likes do not go this longer that was completely soully Love ......

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