A Cookie Thief, Sweaters, And A Rose Bouquet

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The morning started off stressful for Seokjin, and Yoongi could see the man slowly losing his grip on his temper more and more with each passing moment. Not that Yoongi could blame him - things were crumbling around the older man like autumn leaves; noisily and bitterly so.

First, Seokjin had forgotten to iron his best button-up the night before and was now 'regrettably rumpled' as Yoongi had put it. They had woken up to all of their sunflowers contracting some sort of disease, their leaves turning brown and their petals a wilting gray. Kiara had called to say the shoot was being delayed an hour because of weather conditions making the roads too rainy to drive on safely. The shoot being canceled completely had been mentioned as a possibility, but because of the distance from the shop they wouldn't know for sure until after they left, much to Seokjin's chagrin, since they were going to have to close the shop; originally, Yoongi's brother was supposed to come in to watch the place, but he had contracted food poisoning that morning. And while they were no longer living in the bank's red zones, every day still counted a lot towards their budget, which Seokjin usually handled. All in all, it seemed that everything that could go wrong was trying to.

He had already snapped at Yoongi several times; over a forgotten delivery that neither of them had wanted to do, then at the fact that Yoongi hadn't pulled their final 'must go today' wildflowers to the front, and then that he couldn't find his glasses.

It took a lot to really get Seokjin worked up, so Yoongi opted to fall into himself like a protective clam and wait out the storm that was Seokjin's temper, trying not to aggravate him further and instead do his best now that it was his turn to be the reassuring one. It was only fair.

"I just can't find them anywhere !" Seokjin slammed the drawer to the front desk shut for the eighth time, his face red with frustration and his voice a dark hiss. "I need them to drive, for god's sake!"

"Have you checked the bathroom?" Yoongi suggested timidly.

" Yes !" Seokjin roughly ran a hand through his hair, "I'm about to scream."

"Scream, if you like," Yoongi mumbled quietly. "I'll check the office again."

Seokjin's response was a long wail-like sound, and Yoongi was glad to have been out of range for that particular sonic blast, hurrying down the steps and clicking on the ugly purple desk lamp. He stared for a moment, his hand dropped back to his side and he looked down at the glasses that were sitting right in the middle of the desk, as if quietly mocking. He sighed, picking them up and starting up the stairs, pleased that he could bring his partner some good news. "Seokjin! I found--!"

"HEY! WHAT THE F--" Seokjin's voice was cut off by a loud thudding noise just as Yoongi resurfaced in the main part of the shop. He looked up in time to see Seokjin manhandling some scraggly figure to the ground, and Yoongi almost dropped the glasses back down the stairs.


" I saw you! " Seokjin wheezed, his arms wrapped around the boy's shoulders, the black stretched-out T-shirt bunched up around his armpits and revealing a thin torso that was attempting to curl its way out of Seokjin's grasp like a snail slowly leaving its shell. "I saw you stealing my cookies, you little thief!"

" Seokjin, calm down !" Yoongi rushed over, leaving the glasses on the front desk and lifting his hands up in what he hoped was a pacifying gesture. "You're gonna squish the kid, okay?"

It took a couple moments of awkward tugging and tangled limbs and more than one elbow to the chest(both accidental and intentional), but finally Yoongi managed to separate the two of them. Seokjin's hair was ruffled and disheveled in every direction, his face flushed red as he glared at the boy. Now that he was upright and not in a headlock, Yoongi recognized him as the doe-eyed kid who had stolen half the plate of sugar cookies the day before. Yoongi had one hand clutching both boys' forearms, and he tugged them a little further apart to avoid any further down-spiraling.

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