Chapter 1 - Satan?

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~Intro ~

    I want to welcome you to my sucky life.(Is that a word?) Doesn't matter... anyways my name is Paisley Alice Mill. I am 17 years old and I am a senior at Southport High School. This magical place (Note the sarcasm) has gotten my ready for the real world so well. NOT! I don't know anything about the "real world" and my parents who has been stuck in their own fantasy since high school when they met, don't help at all. All they do is show me what type of romance I am never going to get. Mr. Andrew Mill and his perfect wife, Mrs. Rose Andrea Mill! Yuck! My mother has showed me everything I don't want to be. She is home all day and only cares about what her friends think of her. My dad on the other hand only cares about if my family is better than all of his friends family. I am sadly an only child, but my best friend Catie is my rock. Even if her boyfriend pisses me off sometimes. But this is the story about how I was introduced to the real world, and how my view on life was widened. 

Paisley POV -

"PAISLEY GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF BED!" My nanny Maria yells from the kitchen. I slowly lift my body off the bed with my covers still around me.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I yell back, jumping when my feet touch the freezing wood floor. "Well, shi-taki mushrooms..." I am really trying not to swear but it isn't working that well. My mother always says "A lady doesn't have a potty mouth, if she does she isn't a lady!" But I don't really believe that. I think swearing brings more purpose to the point that you are trying to get across.

I walk over to my bathroom to look at my beautiful reflection. Never mind, I look like a bag of poop.

"Oh god! I have to fix this." 15 minutes later I look decent. Kinda. I walk down stairs to see Maria setting the table for the two of us.

"Oh sweetheart, you look beautiful! Have I ever told you how much I love your eyes." She comes closer to me and pulls me into a hug. Her vanilla scent invades my nose.

"Awe! Love you Nanny!" I sit down and start to eat my breakfast. I have about 25 minutes before I need to get to school.

"Good morning everyone." My mother says as she walks into the room. My mom looks young even though she has a 17 year old daughter. And she lets everyone know it.

"Hi Mother." I don't look her in the eye as I speak.

"Yes. Well, head off of school Paisley. I have people coming over for breakfast." She snips.

"But I just sat down. And I don't need to be at school for another 20 minutes." I reply, finally looking up. She looks at me with disdain in her eyes.

"I don't see a problem. My friends won't want to see you they way you look now. How are you even my daughter! Look at the way you dress." She sips on the coffee Maria gave her with a hand on her hip. Her perfect hair frames her face as her eyes shoot daggers at me.

"Can't I finish my food?"

"No. You need to lose some weight anyway." She sways out of the room to her office. I stand and get a desperate look to Maria.

"Ooh child. Come one, I'll pack this up for you. Go get your school bag." She shoos me away. My mother and I's relationship had never been good. She wants me to be a minny her. Which isn't going to happen. Yes, I like clothes but I don't like putting everyone around me down! And I do not ever want to be a trophy wife. Getting my bag i look in the mirror.

"Fuck her. I am a amazing person and she just can't accept me. Her loss!" I walk out of my room with my blonde hair in a high ponytail. I grab my food off the counter and go into the garage.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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