Chapter 4:Brother-Blood

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Hi there fellow readers. I hope you guys are enjoying this...if anyone is actually reading these because I only got 1 comment, & its from my sister. *sighs* I guess if no one is commenting, that means, nobody is reading them. I guess I won't post anymore if I get no comments.  I guess people think my role-playing stories are boring, which is weird because on the website I make these stories in, people  tried joining in the role-playing. :'( Anyways, I better get started on chapter four. And pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaase comment something so I'll know that people are reading these.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of this, and I never will.

 Raven and Shadow were outside of the city, looking for Brother-blood and the other titans.  Raven sighs. Raven:So, how do we find them? Shadow senses something coming from a tall building.  Shadow:Over there! They  go towards the building. Meanwhile, Brother-Blood had the 4 titans standing on a platform surrounding by lava. They had their powers drained, so they couldn't fly off. Brother-Blood laughs evilly. Brother-Blood:Finally! I have the titans. Nothing can stop me now. Shadow then breaks down the walls with Raven standing next to him. Shadow:Except me.  They walk out of the smoke. Robin notices them. Robin:Raven? Raven & Shadow looks at Brother-Blood. Raven:Brother-Blood, let them go!

 Brother-Blood aims a blaster at the 4 titans. Brother-blood:No way, move any closer, your friends will die. Raven growls. She didn't want to see her friends in danger. Raven:Just let them go! Brother-blood presses a button on his controller. Brother-blood:Only if you can defeat my robot army. A bunch of robots walks towards Shadow and Raven. Raven:Uh oh.  Shadow:Too easy, you're like Egg-man, and I killed him. Raven looks at him weirdly. She never heard of this "Egg-man" person before, and she wondered who that was. But, that wasn't important right now. What was important was saving her friends. Shadow turns to super Shadow, then shoots 20 chaos lances at the robots and they explode. Beast boy then looks around. Beast boy(in pain):My head...where are we? Starfire looks around as well. Starfire:I do not know of where we are the standing.

  Raven's eyes glow white as she chants her magic words. Raven: Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos! She sends 5 robots into the ground. Beast boy looks around and saw a blonde girl walking by. He notices that its Terra. (Wow, I bet you didn't see that coming, did ya?) Beast boy:Terra! He quickly jumps off the platform, trying not to fall into the lava. He runs towards her. But, a robot grabs him. Beast boy(mad):Don't call me a titan, I quit! He pushes the robot and walks off. Starfire then jumps off the platform. Starfire:How are we suppose to save the world without the boy of beast? Raven rolls her eyes. Raven(mumbles):Stupid Beast boy.

 She knocks out a robot as Starfire helps Cyborg and Robin off the platform. Raven chants a spell that gives them their powers back. Cyborg blasts a robot with his sonic cannon. Cyborg: Booyah! Robin pulls out his staff as he starts to hit the robots with it. Raven realizes that Beast boy had ran to Terra. She stops fighting. Raven:Wait, did Beast boy say Terra was here? She gets slammed by a robot and groans in pain. Starfire: Raven...urghh. Her eyes glow light green. Starfire:Die robots! The ground turns  to light green flames and it killed all the robots. Starfire:Take that! She runs towards Raven as  she got up. Raven:I'm fine. Did Beast boy  say Terra was back? Starfire:I'm afraid yes.

 Shadow goes towards them.  Shadow:Weird, Raven told me it was a nightmare. Raven was confused. Was it a nightmare? It had to be...if it were real, she would be dead. Who would of healed her? Shadow wasn't around. Something didn't  make sense. And Raven was going to get to the bottom of it. Raven:I thought it was a nightmare, if it were real, I'd be bead by now...right? Oh Beast boy is so dead! Her eyes then glow white. Raven(mad):You guys handle Brother-blood while I go kill Beast boy. She flies out the door. Meanwhile, Beast boy and Terra were walking around outside. Terra(to Beast boy):So, wanna do something? Raven flies towards them with a  angry look on her face. Raven(mad): I don't think so, Terra! She lands in front of them.

 Beast boy and Terra knew they were in trouble now.


I hope you guys love this chapter. I had fun making this with my friends. Read the next chapter to see what happens next...and don't forget to comment.

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