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I like Logan. A lot. It's weird because I never felt this way before. I think it's cuz he asked me out👌🏻. That is what I think.

  Idk if I really want to say yes. I'll text him and say yes🤗. That is what my heart wants, that is what my heart needs!!

A- Hey Logan
L- Hi
L- What up
A- I have made my choice
L- On what
A- Remember when you asked me out
A- Well I thought about that
L- And
A- Yes
L- Wait are you saying we are dating
A- Yes
L- Well I love you
A- I love you too
L- I gtg I will talk to you later
L- Bye
A- Bye 👋🏻

Hey! Sorry that it is short again. It's 5:30 a.m. I'm tired, so I will update soon!
138 words

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