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After everything that's happen I decided to ask one of my friends from high school if she wanted to see a movie.

Ever since I phased I had to tell my friends that I'm home schooled. It sucked.

As much as I hated it I had to keep the secret safe. Tonight Lydia and I are going to see a movie.

"So,how's Jacob?" She asked. She's had a crush on Jacob. 

"He's good. We're dating now. So..." I said.

"I'm happy for you." I sounded like she said it forcefully. Ha.

"Thanks." I said. She nodded. It felt like we were being followed the whole time. I turned around and no one was there. I hated coming to Port Angelous. It's where the creeps are.

When the movie was over Lydia wanted to go get ice cream by a nearby parlor. I still had that feeling. It wouldn't go away.

Lydia was rambling on about all of the schools drama. While I kept my guard up.

"Hello." We both jumped at the sudden greeting. The man seemed off but I couldn't tell what it was.

"Well,aren't you beautiful." He said to me. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. I hurriedly pulled my hand away.

"What do you want?" I said trying not to growl.

"Only someone to love." He said with a boyish grin. I let out a low growl so it would be hard for someone to hear it. He gave me an off look.

"Well, looks like you lucked out with us. Goodbye." I was getting bad vibes off of him. He couldn't be a vampire. I can't smell him, but how did he hear my growl?

"Lydia go to the car. Now. I'll be behind you." She nodded and ran. I followed behind her. Soon we made it to her car.

"Lydia trust me. After you drop me off go straight home. Don't stop for anything." She nodded. I made it home in under 45 minutes.

I ran inside. Not looking back still had that feeling.

"Jake." I squeaked. I may be a wolf but that's never happen to me.

"Zoey. What's wrong." I shook my head.

"W-we were walking to an ice c-cream stand t-thing. I-I had a weird feeling. T-then all of a sudden t-this dude appeared out of no where. H-he said he w-was looking f-for a-someone to love. I told him he lucked out. I-I told Lydia to run,a-and I followed her. She's safe. I couldn't shake those vibes away." I said.

Jake grabbed me and hugged me. Tight.

"Was it a leech?" Seth asked.

"I-if it was I couldn't smell him. He just had a creepy vibe." I looked out the window and I saw him.

"Jake!" I yelled and pointed out the window. He vanished. Jake looked out the window. I ran outside. Nothing.

"Zoey, what did you see?" Sam asked. I turned to look at hi. With a shocked expression.

"H-him. I saw that man." I said. Jacob picked me up and hugged me.

"I want to talk to carlisel." Sam nodded.

"I'll call him. Paul Jared go patrol." They nodded. They hurried and phased. They went looking for that man.

Soon the leech showed up.

"Hey Carlisel. If vampires have powers could one of them be where we can't smell them?" I asked.

"Yes. There are few with that ability. Why do you ask?" He said.

"Zoey had a run in with someone. Just appeared out of no where. Got bad vibes off of him. She growled low key so they wouldn't hear here,but the man did. She claimed she saw him outside the window,and that he vanished." Sam explained.

"Well Zoey I'd say you had a run in with a vampire. Nomad perhaps." I nodded. He left.

I walked outside and sat on the porch. The man was right there by a tree.

"Jake he's here!" I yelled then phased. The pack followed. We chased him. Paul and Jared came out of nowhere,and tackled him. I ripped the head off while Jacob finished him.

The vampire side was feeling bad for killing another vamp,but my wolf genes are stronger and I'm happy that I did that.

I know now that I'm not loosing my mind. I still had a feeling that a storm was coming,and it was going to be bad.

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