A war for Love's Sake

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Misfortunate his is the man, who spends days,

A battalion dwelling on yesterday's defeat,

Mapping the ground, dreaming the nightmare,

For fantasy wars to be fought this day and ones after,

The general's heart plays with the strategies of,

The mind bringing defeat after defeat,

But everyman dead has a song recited for him,

So is every saint and every martyr,

But glory is too little a cause to fight this war,

And neither is God worthy of it,

It is lust I yearn after, it is his love I cry for,

It is his love that I live and die for,

But my heart would still love you, if it were,

Purged of every jot of blood, to the very last bit,

If only a friendly loveless gaze is given, I shall,

Be content and request no more,

But without his love for me, my heart shall cease,

To be but in the world's deepest pit,

Napoleon's fate will be shamed, as I, fight,

To build a great empire for only you,

But still I shall forgo it as did Mark Anthony,

Leaving behind a tribute to true love,

If asked of me, I'll spend all my days raising,

The worlds from evil and work for the common good,

But being at your whim, wish for tragedy,

And I shall burn all beauties there are….but you,

For I but plain clay in your hands,

For you to shape at your free will with sentimental love.

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