Taggy thingy

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xXBob_FramashXx tagged me to do this thingy, I'm starting out on wattpad I don't know what it's called, so ima do it.

1: full name.
Orion Thomas Hartland (Hopco Jones)
Those last two are not my legal names, but they are family names that I prefer to go by.

2: birthday and zodiac.
October 10th, Libra.

3: favorite color.
Aqua marine.

4: favorite song.
Currently Thick as Theives (Shinedown) or TUNNEL SNAKES RULE, lol.

5: favorite phrase to say.
When somebody asks can I, I respond, I don't know, can I.

6: beach or mountains.

7: favorite movie.
Dragon Ball Z, battle of Gods.

8: hobby.
Reading manga/ watching anime/ playing anime video games. I'm such a dang WEEB.

9: favorite number.
3 or 666 lol.

10: current mood.

11: preferred time of day.
About 6-7, that's My video game period.

12: last person texted.
My mom.

13: Person you trust most.
FallenAngel46s my bes fren.

14: favorite book.
Cirque du Freak Sons of Destiny.

Ok my turn, I tag-





Ok I'm done

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