The advice from mom

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Sana's POV

My mom is telling me to run away from this marriage as she know how bad Ayaan is. But I told her that for the sake of dad, I won't run away and fulfill his dream of seeing me married before his death.

Mom- Beta you should run away as that Ayaan is really arrogant and ruthless.

Sana- No mom, I'll can't run away for the sake of dad. If I run away, people will laugh on dad and he'll be humiliated.

Mom- No dear, I'll manage your dad. You should run away as that is good for you. Don't worry about people they always have something to say.

Sana- Mom, you are here to get me and to bring me to the mandap (place where the marriage is done). People will get suspicious.

Mom- Please Beta think about it once as after the marriage, Ayaan will torture you and we won't be able to do anything.

Sana- No mom, I have made my mind and will marry Ayaan. Please don't waste your time as I won't be changing my opinion.

Mom- God please save my daughter and husband. That Ayaan has blindfolded them.

After this drama, mom brought me downstairs and we started the rituals

Ayaan's POV

I'll become a multi-billionaire in an hour. I can't wait. Mrs. Malhotra went to get Sana 30 mins ago. She hasn't come back. I hope she's not convincing her to not marry me. I don't want to let her any chance to do that. I'll go ask M. Malhotra where is Mrs. Malhotra.

Ayaan - Mr. Malhotra, where is Mrs. Malhotra. I can't wait to see Sana.

Mr Malhotra- Ha Ha Son, you'll be seeing my daughter for the rest of your life. Let her spend some time with her mom, after that, she'll be all yours.

Ayaan- Yeah sure. I was just wondering if they could hurry up a bit as me and Sana have to catch a flight tomorrow morning.

Yes, I am taking that girl to America for 6 months so that meanwhile her father can die and transfer all his property on my name. With this, she also won't be able to meet her parents and will have to bear my torture without saying a word.

Mr. Malhotra- Sure son, I forgot that you are taking my daughter far away from me. I'll call my wife so she can come with Sana a bit quicker.

Ayaan- Thank you sir.

God, this oldie is such a bore. He is getting so emotional. He doesn't know that her daughter will be back in his house in no time. The only difference will be that he won't be in the world anymore. I can't wait for her hell to start. I just have to control myself a bit and after that, her torture will start. Ms. Sana get ready to endure hell after marriage.

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