Chapter 4

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I hope you guys are enjoying the story! I promise I will update more. Please vote and comment what you think!



Enjoy! ;)


Ana's P.O.V.

As soon as Harry left I got my phone. I wanted to talk to Louis. He could make me the famous artist I've always wanted to be. But I wanted to become famous on my own. Then again Harry said he had made people very famous. I decide to call him. I dial Louis number and its starts to ring.

"Hello?" He has a very young voice and he has a british accent.

"Um hi I'm Ana. Your friend Harry told me-"

"Aw yes your Ana. I know who you are. Your the beautiful one Harry told me about." He said cutting me off. And Harry called me beautiful. I already felt the heat rise to my cheeks to cause me to blush.

"Yes I am." I simply said to him.

"Well Ana if you are intrested we can talk this over dinner. Do you fancy that?" He asks me and I think. I hope he isn't trying to use me. Like something more then just art. But I am independent, and I know my limits.

"Yes I would love that."

"Great! I"ll see you tomorrow night. Good night."

"Good night." With that said I hang up the phone.

I know this is short but trying to get shit in lol. it will get better I promise! Expect the unexpected. (; xx

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