It's only the beginning

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"The weekend is over?! Already?! But it feels like just yesterday, we left that damn school..." Aunicka complains through the phone, upset. "I know, but hey, it's our senior year. Our LAST year here, okay? And besides we have each other. So other people and their BS can just fuck off the rest of this year." I try to explain to her that it's not the end of the world, but she continues to be confused and pissed off. 

Aunicka has been my best friend through, well, almost my entire life. Without her, lets just say I wouldn't be this normal. Through everything, she's been the stop to my murder, the smiles to my frowns. Basically, my everything. The only sad thing, after schools out, her family is leaving, and she wants to leave with them. I would tag along too, but I'm trying to get into our College. Kamiack Hall. Best place in the world if you ask me!

"Autumn, are you sure you want to get into Kamiack? I want you to be with me.." Aunicka has been begging me to go with her for months now. "Are you crazy? That's my dream and you know it! Don't worry, I'll have my phone, we can still talk. But that's in a few months anyway." I'm always trying to be the happy one, the one who makes it better than it really seems. Guess you could say I'm the Harley Quinn of the group.


I finally get her to get off the phone and go eat her dinner, and decide to text someone else. He's not my friend, but he's not my enemy either. He is my ex-ex-boyfriend. Makes sense? I dated him before this other guy (who i drastically hate) and now we talk here and there. And somehow, it's not even that awkward either. He's a tall, red dyed hair, angry, human being. His name? Jackson. But everyone called him Jack. He was "the star" of the football team. Always getting scores, running like flash, he was everything. I guess i couldn't handle the attention I got for dating him. That was freshman year. This is our senior year, and I am single. Not finding the right person, don't have much of a plan for that anyway. I used to have really bad anxiety, but it's gotten easier over the years. Aunicka has a boyfriend, Issac, and he's...trouble. He goes to parties with her ever other night, has an F in a lot of his classes, and is considered a "popular kid". I don't much care for him, but that's because he's in love with my best friend. And who isn't protective over their bestie?

I eventually fall asleep and my mom wakes me up in the morning for school. "Wake up! School!" She walks in and pulls the blanket off me. I open my eyes and growl at her, only saying one thing, "you brave little ant....". When she pulls the warm blankets off, I just wanna cuddle under them again, and it makes me grumpy. Don't get me wrong, I love my stepmom, she's amazing. Except the fact that she wakes me up.

Sooner or later I get up and get dressed. I don't wear dresses or anything pretty. Just jeans and a t-shirt. Not much of a pretty-girl person. Heading downstairs, my brother rushes out of his room and knocks me down on my ass. "Shotgun!", he yells, as my sister runs out of her room chasing after him. I let them pass by, and stand up again, rolling my eyes. "You guys...are a pain in my ass." I mumble and continue down the stairs. Jumping off the last step I see mom putting my dads lunch in a bag. "Hey sweetie, ready for school?" she asks me. She didn't even turn to see me, it's like she can see through people's minds...It's creepy but cool... "Meh. Micheal knocked me down on the stairs, with Abby after him. They're shotgunning again.."

"You want shotgun then?" She asks, looking back at me.

"Hell yeah!" I almost never sit in the front, but I have the pick without delay. No picks. Just me, and the seat. Mom smiles at me then turns back to fix up dads lunch. I walk out of the kitchen and into the front room. Dad's sitting on the couch putting on shoes, with Baby Joe next to him. Joe is only about 11 months old, but he's a smart cookie. He always finds ways out of his crib, and eats by himself already. I walk over and pick Joe up and spin around a few times. "Good morning goofball!" I kiss him on the forehead, and turn to dad "Hey dad. How'd you 'sleep'?" He looks up and grins at me, "Better than you'd think" he laughs "but also, cold." he shrugged.

"Well maybe if you'd turn on the heaters..." I stick my tongue out and roll my eyes at him. He stands up and kisses my forehead and leaves for the kitchen. I sit down with Joe and put his shoes on his feet. After the struggle of tiny feet kicking, I finally get his shoes on, and pick him up again. Carrying him into the kitchen, Micheal comes bursting into the house again and sits down, completely out of breath. Micheal and I could pull off being twins, though we're not, he's a year ahead of me.

"Racing Abby again?" I ask him as he sounds like a dying whale.

"Nooo I was out racing a squirrel down the street. No shit." he says sarcastically to me.

"Sounds like you."




"Baby." I hand him Joe and run up the stairs. I feel like I won that one...

After an hour we all get into the trucks and set off to our destinations. Mom took Abby to school, and took Joe with her to go shopping. Dad went in his car to work, building houses. And Micheal and I head to school. We take turns driving to school and back. He drives in the morning, I drive in the evening. 

After school, we're leaving the truck there, and mom is picking us up to go to the water park. Dad has to work, so I get the shotgun, and the other get the backseats to fight over.

And that was only the beginning of what's to come next...

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