the end

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two days have passed and it's now saturday. unknown boy texted me that i should go to the graveyard right now since he's left a clue there for me.

so i did. i quickly dressed into something decent but casual and made my way to the graveyard.

and he was right, there was a note and a paper bag placed by mom's grave and clearly the note said 'to areum' on it.

'put this on for me and go to *insert restaurant name here*. see you there baby girl x'

inside the paper bag was a really pretty dress.

i went back home and put on the dress but not forgetting to put on a bit of make up and braid my hair.

once i've reached the restaurant, i breathe in heavily before walking in and searching around for a boy who's sat alone.

but no one was, until the girl who worked here came up to me and asked me if my name was areum and i said yes.

she led me through the stairs which brought us to the 3rd floor where couples usually get reservations for since there was a beautiful view up here and it was an open area.

the table was set up nicely with a bouquet of rose resting atop of it. since no one was up here, i just walked to the table and stared at it in awe.

but i didn't sit down since i was still skeptical about this, until my phone the suddenly snapped me out of my trance.

unknown: you like it?

me: yeah..

unknown: good

unknown: wow.. you look very beautiful.

i turned around and started looking for someone, but literally no one was here. so i just went back to my phone.

me: where are you?

unknown: close your eyes and don't open them until i say so.

so i did. i closed my eyes until i felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and their vanilla scent devouring me.

"i finally get to hold you," jimin's voice startled me. what the heck?!?!

"Jimin?!?" I turned around and he stood there with a childish grin on his face. It was him?

"Let's sit down first baby," he places his hand on my back and gently leads me to the chair and waits for me to sit down first.

he sat down on the other side and smiled over at me.

"so let me explain first." i nod my head, cause heck i'm still confused here.

"areum.. you may not know about me, but i know a lot about you. i've been beside you all along, but knowing you, you didn't like being friends with anyone except your mom. but that doesn't stop me doesn't it? i know who your mom is areum. when she was still in the hospital and you were back at school, i'd be the one to take care of her because my mom's room was just beside your own mother's. i'd ask her about you and she'd smile and tell me stuff about you, she's told me about how you're such a blessing to her life and that she'd never want to lose you but it went the other way round and you had to lose her. your mom told me one thing before she died though.. she told me to take care of you even though you're such a stubborn girl. and so i did. i was always at the graveyard cause the day after your mom died, my mom died too. and lucky enough, my mom's grave was behind your mom's grave so i could hear everything you said to your mom while you couldn't see me. i honestly hated the fact that i couldn't hold you in my arms every day that you cried cause you'd just push me away more. so i did what i could and that's how we end up here.

aerum, i've fallen for you so much and it ached that i couldn't tell you that back then, but now? i feel so lucky that i can tell you how i feel."

i stare at him in shock, so he's the guy that's been texting me and putting those things by my mom's grave all along?

"jimin.." a tear slipped out my eye and i left my seat and immediately went over to him so give him a hug.

i feel so bad for him, i feel so bad for pushing him away, i feel bad for not appreciating him at all.

"i'm sorry jimin. i swear from now on i'll appreciate you so much and take care of you too. oh my gosh i'm so sorry." i cried in his chest and his shirt was now drenched in my tears.

"wait so is that a yes?" i look at him and he's grinning down on me.

"yes to what?"

"an agreement to be my girlfriend."

"i'd love to." i quickly pecked his cheek and buried my face back in his chest.

"god, i love you so much baby." he kissed the top of my head and i swear every bit of me melted into the sweet kiss.

"i love you too unknown guy." i pulled away from his embrace and winked at him.


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