ⓟart 6: Dancin' To Y'all Die

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Taylor Hill as Courtney Meyers
Previously on Nerd Threats The Bad Boy:

Cameron's POV:

"Do you want to ride me? Wait what? I meant do you want to ride with me?" Ethan asked awkwardly.

He wants to give me a ride? But one thing I know for sure is that he doesn't have a car. He has a motorcycle.

A week later has passed since Ethan dropped me home.

When I was riding on the motorcycle with him, he told me to wrap my arms around his waist. As soon as it came contact with it, I felt tingles.

I was thinking about it when I was interrupted by a blonde b*tch named Sherry.

"What up nerd. Where's your dyke ass friend?"

"Right behind you bitch!" When Sherry turned around, Megan's hand connected with Sherry's cheek.

Sherry screamed, but didn't go down without a fight. She jumped on Megan and the two began to fight.

Hair pulling and punches.

I would help them but I would get trampled on and I don't know how to stop a fight.

Luckily, two boys came and separated the two girls. Two boys that I really didn't want to see.

Scott held back Megan while Ethan held back Sherry.

"What? You're jealous that I'm Cameron's new best friend while you are just a nobody to him?" Megan was taunting her, "maybe you guys were friends in the past, but now I'm his best friend right now and till the future!"

Sherry had that saddened look in her face. She shoved Ethan to the side and walked away.

Scott let Megan go.

The three were looking at me. As they were going to me, the bell rang. Everyone was going to their designated classrooms. Including me, leaving the others standing still in devastation.
In lunch:

Everyone was probably talking about what happened today. Right now, I'm sitting with Megan, Scott, and our newest member, Ethan. All of us were silently eating our lunches. "I'm sorry."

I looked up to see Megan looking at me. "I let my emotions cloud my judgement. I shouldn't have fought her. And for that I'm sorry."

I smiled at her and said," it's okay. And you're right. We are best friends and we'll stick like white on rice."

She then smiled until I heard," I'm sorry too."

I turned to see Scott looking at me with sorrow.

He said."I should never left you alone at the school. I guess I was so happy to score the winning point and my teammates suggesting to go to my after party. Would you forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive you.", I said.

He smiled but it flatten when big-mouthed Ethan said,"He wasn't alone. He was with me." With his cocky attitude.

Scott looked at Ethan with this hateful look. "What? How am I supposed to leave a fine specimen all alone at night. Besides he would've gotten rape, I wouldn't mind tap-"

"IF YOU FINISH THAT SENTENCE, I WILL PUNCH YOU SO HARD THAT'LL FLY YOU ALL THE WAY TO NEPTUNE!!" Scott yelled, making everyone in the cafeteria look at him.

"I wouldn't mind tapping him." Ethan said in a taunting voice.

Scott has veins popping out of his neck and Ethan has a deadly look.

When push comes to shove...

Scott went across the table and jumped on Ethan repeatedly punching his face. Ethan blocked and flipped Scott over to punch him on his face repeatedly.

Fights just keep happening!!!

Just keep my babies safe!!!!

Anyway, goodbye.


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