What To Do When You're Trapped In a Suitcase

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The girl lay in a fetal position as she tried to make out the words coming from outside her very uncomfortable prison. Her long sheet of obsidian-colored hair was much like a soft blanket. She was in cold sweat as she suddenly came to her senses.

"I don't need cash...just follow up on our deal," a cold, slightly muffled voice said from the outside. "The instructions are simple. Three-seconds after you push the red switch...bam!"

The girl's eyes fully opened up and she tried to listen a bit more, but at the same time, realizing what kind of situation she was in. "It's totally dark...What goes 'bam'? Uh, nevermind that, get me out of here! Get me out!"

Pushing hardly with her arms and legs, the suitcase burst open, and the girl had to adjust to her surroundings. Her arms raised up into the air, her surprised face was the result of her realizing something else...she was naked.

She was interrupted as a man stepped into the room, his platinum-colored hair as pale a his nervous face, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. Holding a phone in his long-sleeved hand, he stared at the girl.

"So...the kidnapper who shut me in there," the girl hissed. "...was you, huh?!" The girl tackled the man, pinning him to the floor as his muscular arm firmly grasped her slender one. "Hey, lemme go!"

The man stared at the naked girl, still confused and nervous-looking. The girl blushed intensely as she realized that she was pinning a clothed man down to the floor, while she had not even the slightest form of clothing. For a few seconds of silence, a sound soon broke it, her stomach rumbling. She sure was hungry.

"So, you got a bomb in a trunk you needed to blow up a shopping mall with, but I was in it instead," the girl said, staring at the man, who didn't give her an answer. "So there's no need to kill me with poison, right?" The man nodded, and her eyes opened wide cutely. "Then, don't mind if I do..." the girl began eating the food on her plate the man had given her, rather loudly and scarfing it down her throat. "This is good...I mean, this is great!"

The man apathetically watched the piggish girl while sipping from his mug of coffee. She turned to look at her. "Thanks for the food...Mister, you must be a pro, right?! Where's your shop? I really wanna go..."

Finally, the man spoke. "I won't tell anyone who leaves behind leftovers..."

The girl picked up her plate to her face. "Sorry, I'll eat it now," she said, and then she started licking up the last few morsels on the plate loudly as well.

"Well, aren't you interested in other things besides me?" the man asked to the girl, who had finished her food. "And why were you naked...I mean like, why were you kidnapped?"

"Huh..." the girl said. "I didn't think of that, I was too hungry," she chuckled. "But let's see why I...I don't remember a single thing!"

"What's your name, then?" the man asked shortly after the outburst.

"Wait, actually, one thing I do remember, my name is Kazumi. "But I dunno my family name. What should I do...I don't have any memories!"

The man's phone, which was laying on the table, began to vibrate and ring, and the man immediately placed down his mug and took the phone. Kazumi stood next to him as he answered. "Hello..."

"I've got your bomb," the cold voice from earlier answered. "Come to the Buy-Lot in thirty minutes to exchange it back...or else I'll call the police on you."

The phone hung up. "What does this mean?" the man asked to himself. "I just remembered. While I was bringing the trunk back, I collided with a woman, and we must've switched trunks..."

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