Love in the Dark

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Aubrey'sPointof View

Age 13

    "Just keep running" I told myself.

I knew if I turned back now, I would never have the courage to leave. I only looked back once, and what I saw broke my heart. My sister Kimberly was going to run away with me, she's 8. When I looked back, I saw my step-dads hands around my sisters mouth.

"I'll come back for you, I promise!" I screamed to her. I could tell she heard because she simply nodded. I blew her a kiss before turning around, and running for my life once again.

*End of flashback*

Age 18

The flashbacks of my past life still haunt me to this day, my step-dad abusing both my sister and I. But, never our mother. She was in on it, watching every time she could. She had a strange enjoyment in seeing Kimberly and I in pain. This I never understood, but I don't think my mother even understood her cruel ways.

The day I ran away was my 13th birthday. I had all of my bags packed for weeks, but never had the guts to actually leave. Kimberly had her bags packed too, but she was too young to understand why we had to leave. She cried for hours when I first told her that we had to leave, not wanting to leave mom. When it was finally time to leave, Kimberly had accepted the idea.

Its been 5 years since then, and I still haven't saved her like I promised. She should be 13 now, ifshe was still alive. I don't put it past my mother or stepfather to do that. They were horrible people that felt no guilt for what they had done to both my sister and I.

Now that I have my own flat, I will have more money to save for a car. I live nearly 400 miles from my old home, so there is absolutely no way I can walk there and back. I work every day, working two different jobs.

During the week I work at a little cafe, just below my flat. It doesn't pay the best but working 5 days, it adds up.

Weekends are.. different. I don't get paid to have sex with the men, but to accompany them to wherever they want, for however long they want. Sometimes its only for a dinner, sometimes its for the whole weekend. It pays a lot better than my job at the cafe, and my "boss" always provides nice, high end clothing for me to wear.

I meet all sorts of men; men with families, men that are just looking for some company, but mostly rich men that believe that they are entitled to everything on earth.

Tonight I was going to meet with a usual customer, he was the 3rd type. He's very kind hearted, but has this dark appearance to him.

I was walking from my small flat to his home, when I decided to take a shortcut. The back parts aren't as scary as some people believe, but walking alone isn't the safest thing to do at 1am in the morning.

I was within a block of my destination, when I heard screams coming from an alley. My conscious was telling me to keep walking, but I would want someone to help me if I were in trouble. I looked down the alley way, when I heard the gun shot go off...


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