chapter three

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second moment:
romeo & julian's second not so conclave

heavy scratches from footsteps were heard walking down the dark grey sidewalk. julian's beaten up old skool vans were getting rasped against the cement. he didn't bother picking up his feet because he dreaded reaching his destination. it wasn't that he didn't want to go more like he was to nervous to.

he later found himself outside of the record store he was in a few weeks ago. he opened the door slowly waiting for the bell to ring. it rung and he took it as his sign to continue with his plan. he walked over to the cashier where the boy sat on the other side of the counter reading a book. a happy death. the book was black but had a small illustration in a circle.

julian cleared his throat. the boy looked up from his book. you could clearly tell he was very concentrated in the story. he seemed surprised to see julian there.

"what are you doing here?" the boy asked.

"why hello to you too." julian chuckled at the boys' astound face.

"so if you did not notice i took the album with me last time i was here."

"obviously, i noticed." the boy spoke.

"well, i decided to repay you. unfortunately, i don't have any money but i do know a way i can possibly pay. i mean only if you allow me to."

the boys eyebrows raise in confusion. even he too knew julian was a greaser who wasn't very wealthy. so what possible way could he pay him back in?

"come on..." julian trails off not knowing his name motioning towards the door.

"romeo." he starts.

"but i can't just leave." romeo continues.

"why not?" julian shrugs.

"because this is my job. i get paid to be here." romeo answers.

"alright, we'll only be gone for a little while." julian tells romeo.

uncertainly romeo jumps over the counter and follows julian out of the record store.

"do you enjoy music?" julian asked a question to romeo as they walked the streets of their small town.

and there began the conversation of music and its  significance to their lives. julian adored music. it was the only thing that kept him sane. on the other hand it was romeo's only true escape. romeo grew up being a spotlight example of a good boy. every mistake he made would only reflect badly on his father. so he was inculcated to behave in such a manor.

"the cinema?"

"that is how you're going to repay me?" asked romeo once they stopped in front of the theater.

"everyone likes good film." replies julian.

julian grabs romeo's forearm and pulls him to side of the theater and all the way down to the back. romeo confused follows along. julian then opens a window in the bathroom that shouldn't be unlocked. julian hops inside first reaching out his hand for romeo.

"julian.. i don't know about this. isn't this illegal? you never told me we were going to do something illegal." romeo rambles nervously.

"shh... relax." he hums sending shivers down romeo's spine.

"we shall not get caught. don't worry about it." he finishes.

romeo bites his lip contemplating whether or not he should continue on, before sighing and taking his hand. their hands fitting together so well. as if each of their hands were a puzzle piece that matched up perfectly.

they were only minutes into the film and they were already laughing their hearts out. it was good classic film. julian had seen it about six times. on the other hand romeo had never seen it. his father didn't allow him to watch such context. the film contained some rather inappropriate scenes and jokes. every time romeo would even have the slightest of giggle out julian would look over to him. just to.. capture the moment. i guess you could say.

the two continued slurping their cokes and stuffing their faces with candy and popcorn. romeo reached into the popcorn bucket not noticing that julian had already put his hand inside. their hands slightly touched. and almost like an electric spark occurred during their hands' interaction. romeo quickly pulled his hand away looking up at julian who was already looking at him. romeo broke the stare gulping down the lump in his throat. he felt that unknown feeling again. though, so did julian. they both shared that unknown feeling.

the film continued on for about another twenty minutes. once it finished they walked out of the movie theater laughing and joking.

they continued being goofy. julian was chuckling until he came in contact with some of his friends. some greasers. he didn't want to be seen with romeo. it might ruin his reputation. they might get the wrong idea.

"julian! is that you?" asked a greaser obnoxiously.

julian scratched the back of his head looking over at romeo who looked so innocent and pure.

"yea, it's me." he mumbled.

the greasers walked over to romeo and julian. they all exchange strange looks as they neared them seeing that romeo seemed to have been accompanying julian to the theater.

"who's this?" asked antonio who goes by tony.

"i'm romeo." romeo introduces himself and politely sticks out his right hand to shake with tony.

tony laughs along with the others allowing a few snorts to burst out of him. romeo understands why they've erupted into guffaws and lowers his hand inserting it into his pocket. appearing on julian's face is a small smile.

"aren't you the son of the priest?" another boy named danny asked chewing on a chew stick.

"yeah.. he's my father." romeo replied.

"speaking of him, i better get back before he finds out i ditched the record store." he says getting quite uncomfortable.

he then walks away heading back to the record store. he hears the greasers laughing. most likely at him and he feels his confidence vanish. he looks back at julian who's been looking at him. julian smirking causing romeo to get rosy red. he gives a small smile and continues on his route.

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