what just happened?

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Denise sat in French class waiting for the final bell to ring and release her from her first day of hell. After lunch, the rest of the day was pretty much uneventful. She had not seen Dylan or his friends anymore that day, not she wanted to , she reminded herself quickly. Part of her wondered however, where they had disappeared to. Were they even still at school? Finally the bell rung, and she could not grab her things and flee to her locker fast enough.

"For the love of all that's holy, Denise will you slow down?" Donovan said. "We have to practically run just to keep up with you," he added as the five of them finally reached their lockers. 

Denise huffed as she opened her locker. "I'm just ready for this day to be over. To say this has been a pretty weird day is putting it mildly don't you think?" she asked as the closed her locker.

"Straight from the X-Files that's for sure," Trey replied.

Denise snorted. You have no idea, she mused silently to herself. 

They continued down the hall towards the parking lot in silence. Once they were outside, Denise scanned the crowd subconsciously looking for a certain black-haired, green-eyed footballer. She glanced towards his usually parking space only to find it empty. Odd, she thought. He was usually still hanging around in the parking lot goofing off with his friends after school ended. 

Jessa broke Denise out of her revere when she asked softly, "Who are you looking for, Deni"?

Denise flushed profusely. Nervously, she replied, "What? Nobody." She paused. Then she added rather defensively, "Who would I be looking for? Anybody I care about at this school is already standing right here with me".

Jessa gave Denise her patented oh really? look that she gives people when she knows they are lying or just said something extremely stupid. And since Denise as an above average GPA, Jessa knew that she had to be lying, more so to herself than anyone else. 

Denise cringed under the look, as they commonly referred to it. Finally she said begrudgingly, "Alright, fine. I might have been looking for a certain someone. Might have," she added being sure to stress the word might

Jessa simply smirked but didn't press the issue any further. The guys were off to the side having their own little conversation, but Denise was ready to go home. Her mind drifted back to this morning, when Dylan looked at her. For a split second when their eyes connected, she felt as if she could drown in the depths of his green eyes, forever. A feeling so deep and so intense consumed her, even though she had no idea why or what it even was. All she knew, was that she had to get away from it and him. 

Without further delay, they all piled back into her Audi and made the trip home. Denise was deep in thought, the events of the day, her weird morning, Dylan and the growling, and the feeling that something out of her control, was going to happen. 

Donovan broke Denise out of her thoughts. "You're very quiet, Deni," he said softly.

Denise glanced briefly in his direction before focusing her attention back on the road. "Have you ever had the feeling that something was going to happen, but you had no idea what it was, or when it would take place?" she asked him, her voice in a whisper.

Donovan looked at her, his blue eyes darkened. "Yes, actually. All the time," he replied as she pulled in to her drive way. 

She cut the engine off, and as she was about to get out, Donovan stopped her. "Denise can I talk to you for a minute?"

Denise looked at him. This must be serious. Donovan only ever called her Denise when he was either seriously pissed off with her, or if he had something really serious he wanted to talk to her about. Something in his tone and body language, made her heart skip a beat. 

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