Dying Once, Living Twice: Ch.1

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Genre: Fanfiction
Theme: Homestuck x Transformers [Bayverse]
Word Count: 533 (including original A/N)

*WARNING: Contains a lot of  cussing and swearing! I'm debating on whether or not it will be rated Mature for the language.*

"Nashir! We need more bread!" I shouted to my eldest brother.
"Yeah yeah lil' mama, I'll all up and get some on my motherf*cking way home," he grumbled as he walked out the door to his job. He and my other brothers
worked as much as they could to support me and our siblings, as our parents had been brutally murdered five years ago. I could still remember seeing them dead.

Tidbits of entrails and brain matter cover the blood-soaked walls. An arm lies in the corner, the shoulder blade still attached. My mother hangs by her neck from the ceiling fan, razor wire acting as rope. It is surprising that she wasn't decapitated when she was forcibly hung.

My father is nailed to the wall in a spread-eagle position. His intestines are draped around the room like streamers at a birthday party. Blood slowly drips from his finger.

Yeah, that gave my more sensitive siblings nightmares. Me? Nah. I slept like a rock. Well, when my random sleeping patterns left me alone, that is.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I felt a finger tap my shoulder. This didn't startle me, I was used to Kurloz gaining attention this way. I faced my second-eldest brother as he began to rapidly sign.

'I'm going out to work, look after your younger brothers please,' He let out as much of a sigh as his stitched lips allowed. I still remembered when Kurloz did that.

It was a month after Mum and Dad's deaths. Nashir had become incredibly violent, Gamzee flipped out at least three times a day, Sollux had severe panic attacks, and Karkat often had mental breakdowns along with his increased use of curses. Eridan, Mituna and Tavros slept in my room every night so they didn't get nightmares, but they always did.

It didn't help that we had no way of getting money, even though Nashir was eighteen. At least we didn't have to be given to Social Services. Tavros had been getting severe back pains, and finally, one day, Kurloz snapped. He went completely insane. First, he knocked Equius out. Then Nashir and Sollux.

Finally he couldn't take it anymore and just screamed. He dragged himself into the bathroom and locked it. When Equius had come around and broke the door down, Kurloz was snipping off the tail of the new stitches. His mouth was sown shut.

"Hey! Silver! Can we go to the park, pleeeeeeaaaaaassseee?" I snapped out of my memories and looked down at my youngest brothers, Mituna and Tavros. They were twins.

"Sure," I said. I took Mituna's and Tavros' hands and called over my shoulder, "Guys! I'm taking the twins to the park!"

"I'm coming!" I heard Gamzee, one of us five third-eldest, and Eridan, the second-youngest call from upstairs. "Let me grab my Pokémon cards first, Steven's there!" Eridan shouted. Gamzee then came tumbling down the stairs like an idiot. He was just as childish as Tuna sometimes. "Let's go motherf*ckers,"

/*Okay, it was a bit gory, but hey, I was practicing for a horror story. Also, there is a lot of cussing. You have been warned :3 *\

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If you think this story should be rated Mature, please say so in the comments! I won't rate THIS book mature though, it will only be if this story is continued.

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