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I was done showering when the guy from before entered the room with a white t-shirt and sweats.
"Where's Hobi?"
"He's in his room."
"Wait this is a hotel right? Then whose room am I in now?"
"I'm so sorry I didn't catch your name," he chuckled bowed his head and looked up sticking his hand out for me to shake.
"Rap Monster," his tongue rolled so effortlessly and his accent strongly emphasized the "R's" it was cute.
"Scarlet," I say looking him in the eye where he held a secret smile.
"You should get dressed now."
Was it wrong that I wasn't fazed about standing in front of him in just a towel. Then Hobi walked into the room,
"I brought you some fresh clothes from the store-" he shied away after his eyes landed on me. Rap monster just excused himself and went after him. He came back two seconds later to hand me the clothes Hobby got for me. He seemed pretty chilled about standing in a room with a naked woman so I began to dress before he finally left.
The whole day was a blur of names and Korean. There was so much for breakfast I began to forget the funny feeling that something was missing.
In the evening, rap monster and I sat before a computer and watched a movie together.
"Do you remember anything from yesterday?"
"No, I don't even know why I'm here, everything is so confusing," especially your accent. I would have said that out loud but I didn't want him to know that he was making me feel this electric flow up my spine with his every word.
"You don't even remember what you did when you got here?"
"What did I do?"
"Nothing much, mostly acted real tired like you'd ran a marathon or something."
His words hit a part of my head which caused a flash of memory in my head and then I remembered exactly why I was running and from whom. I gasped.
"You sent your son to his father remember? I was with you that morning."
"No it's not that, I-I need to call him."
"He called while you were sleeping, said he was staying with Cherry or something."
"Oh good. I was scared..." I looked up at rap monster and it finally clicked that I was talking to my favorite BTS member. I screamed.
"You finally realized," Hobi appeared through the wall suddenly with a small smile.

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