Part 11.

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Wanna join me? Kinda lonely😂


@ShawnMendes - I wanna join.

@Jazzysbae - I'm such a big fan of you! Plz follow💖

@sHaWnMeNdEs - I ship u and Shawn soooo much😍😘

@Chels.Marie - I miss my sister😭 come back soon x

@Jazbaby - Love u @Chels.Marie ❤

@Chels.Marie - ly2 little one 😂🙌


From the corner of my eye I saw a guy staring at me. I decided to let it go as he probably just zoned out.

"Hey , are you Shawn's friend?" Asked the guy.

"Mendes? Then yes. Who are you?" I replied

"I'm Cameron Dallas , call me Cam." He smiled.

"Well..hey Cam. I'm Jaz."

"Hey Jaz. Can I sit with you?" He asked.

"Yeah , sure!" I answered.

"Wanna take an Instagram picture with me?" He asked.


A/N [ pretend its Cam***]

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A/N [ pretend its Cam***]


With @CameronDallas 😍😏


@CameronDallas - ohhhh look , its me!

@ShawnMendes - haha very funny @CameronDallas

@5soscake - lowkey kinda shade @ShawnMendes @CameronDallas

@ShawnMendes - no @5soscake , just being nice :)

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