Stay With Me: Pt. 1

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I feel so alone at moments, but right now will never compare to the other times. When your boyfriend tours for over three months you get kind of lonesome.

I'll be either sleeping, eating, watching tv, or reading. Nothing really much to do. Most of my friends are on tour with Joey so hanging out with them isn't an option. At least I get to FaceTime Joey before I go to bed and I will know if he is safe.

Speaking of FaceTime my phone rings and I look to see who it is and it's none other than Joey. I quickly answer it and his beautiful face pops up.

"Hey babe!" He says excitingly on the other side of the phone.

"Hey boo! What are you doing?" I say with an equal amount of excitement.

"Nothing much just got done with another meet and greet." He said while running a hand through his soft hair. I sigh. I just wanna run my fingers through has hair. Cuddle with him. Have meaningful conversations with him. I miss him but he's finally doing what he loves. Joey must have saw the conflict in my face.

"Y/n are you okay you seem kind of sad?" His voice was full of concern. As I looked at him in silence my mind was going into overdrive until I finally broke.

"Jo I miss you so much." I practically sobbed into the phone. Joey's reaction was to tell me that it was okay and he started to coo more sweet things to me. After some more crying I decided to actually calm down.

"Hey hey hey. It okay. You look so much more beautiful when you are smiling y/n. So quit all that crying. Even if it will be just a couple more weeks just know that I will always be there for you." Joey's soft voice soothed me.

"Forever and always?"

"Forever and always." He replied.

After that I stopped crying, we started to catch up on each other's life until Joey told me something.

" I have a surprise for you tomorrow. " I rose one eyebrow.

"What do you mean you have a surprise for me tomorrow?"

"Exactly that." He said in a duh tone.

"No, you know what I meant." I said getting kinda frustrated with him.

"Well it's not really a suprise if I tell you what it is."

"Fine whatever." I rolled my eyes but still smiled. I heard somebody call for Joey. He looked at the screen and into my eyes.

"Sorry cutie but I have to go. Bye. Love you." He quickly said and before I could reply he hung up.

I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a long day.


Joey's POV

My surprise for her was to fly all the way to L.A. and I would give her a present. I guess she must have forgotten that tomorrow was our second anniversary but it's fine I know she didn't mean to. I took another look at her present and sigh. I miss her.

I miss y/n's laugh.

Her smile.

How her beautiful eyes sparkle when she was exited.

But tomorrow we will be reunited and I will get to hold her in my arms again.

"Come on Joey we have to go if we want to catch the plane." I heard Charles say. I pull at the handles of my suit case and follow Charles to the car.


*On the plane*

After getting settled into our seats both me and Charles try to get some rest. Before going to sleep I took my phone and texted y/n.

Me: Goodnight❤️

Y/n💕: Goodnight❤️

I smiled at my phone then fell into a deep sleep. The next time I woke up was not peaceful. People were screaming. And my heart dropped.

We're going to crash.


Guys pls don't kill me. I promise there will be a second part I just didn't want this chapter to be super long. I have nothing much to say so bye lovelies. ❤️


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