Last night I went to see the Wiz at ep high and I'm sorry to say this but.. they did it wrong. When I onicially saw it at ep it was like the wizard of Oz down south and from there they went to Oz and the whole story progressed. There was lots of problems with it like the wicked witch was only in it for a few minuets then when I got home my mother showed me the real movie of "the Wiz" and it's supposed to be different the big thing they got wrong though was that the Wiz is supposed to be about new York city in the 70's. The munchkins are graffiti in this movie and it all has city themes but it works! The Wiz is supposed to be about urban cities and EP basically made it into the same old story you know. Honestly I'm a little disappointed that they didn't try to even make it have city like themes.
Authors note: I wrote this on an onicial thought. I did like the show, It just made me sad that it went off and made the Wiz into something it isn't supposed to be.
Authors note: I did like the show. I wrote this on my onicial thinking which re reading this did sound a bit harsh. I just think they should have done some more things revolving the theme of the wiz