Chapter 3

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Penny's POV
The minute I opened the door I expected Jaden to spring up out of no where. But he didn't. Just to make sure he wasn't playing a trick on me I holler, " Jaden I'm home! " There is no reply. I begin to sweat, maybe his class was let out late. But it couldn't be this late, I train my gaze on my apple watch and it says: 16:21 pm
I bolt up the stairs, two at a time, suddenly hesitant I reach my arm out to turn the handle of our bedroom. As soon as I do a horrible odor punches me in the face. My eyes take in the sight before me, sick splattered on the wall and on the carpet, dry blood on the floor boards and a sticky substance dripping off the corner of my desk. Next to the door is a knocked over cup of what seemed to be whiskey. Mum. That's the only thought that comes into my mind. Instead of crumbling into a sobbing heap on the floor I stride out of the house get onto my bike and pedal. I pedal like my life depends on it. I grit my teeth in determination and force my feet to push harder. My heart pounds in my chest, not only with fear but with utter exhaustion, no, I must go on. I will go on. I will save my brother from the wrath of my stone hearted mother. I skid to a halt outside the hospital in five minutes flat, I padlock my bike and sprint towards the receptions desk. There sitting as straight as an arrow is a receptionist , what would I expect. She raises her eyebrows questioningly at me, I manage to splutter, " H-have you recently had a little boy check in here? " As if she pities me she shakes her head " Yes darling, but we've had so many young boys come here that I can't keep track! " she speaks very slowly as if she was talking to a baby. I roll my eyes at her tone of voice and say calmly " Anyone that goes by the name of Jaden Jeffrey? " At mention of his name she begins to press on the keyboard keys. " Jaden Jeffrey? " Once again I roll my eyes.
" Isn't that the name I just said? " I asked my voice thick with sarcasm. " Room 66, children's ward. " she sighs. I take off like an areoplane, I arrived at the door. Swinging open the door I step in and the room is painted a bogey-green and rainbows covered the walls. There lying on his back, as white as a sheet is Jaden. His head was stitched and a monitor was hanging above his bed that was running in a straight line. No... That means... This means.... No, Jaden. NO!!!

Jaden's POV
I see Penny, she's standing at the end of my bed. Everything is blurry, like a mist is in the room. Penny is crying, screaming my name, shaking my shoulders. I jump up, but my legs are glued to the ground. I try to tell her I'm fine, ask her why she's crying. But I can't move suddenly everything goes black. In front of me a stranger stands. He has blue eyes, just like mine. He has long brown hair, just like mine. He is short, just like me. " You are very sick. You're mum is always drunk, she did this to you! Even though I'm not here to look out for you. I will be in your heart. Your mother killed me Jaden. She killed me! "
" Why? What happened? " but the stranger disappeared from my view and I was left in complete darkness....

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