I walk through the halls alone as usual. I see everyone sitting and talking with their friends and play fighting as usual. I shake my head and put it back down as I continue walking and Listening to my music. I feel someone bump into me and look up to see Trey laughing at me with his dumb ass friends Zeke and Jade. I roll my eyes and continue walking.
Oh i'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. My name is Jurie Mayo. I am 17 years old Junior and go to this bummy ass school named Memorial High School. To be honest I hate it here. I don' t fit in with anybody. I've learned that I am only used by the people at this school. I know your probably like "used girl what?" but I am so serious. I feel as if people only use me for my "resources". In this school I am known as "The Plug". I get people what they need, you name it I can get it. From School Supplies, to Drugs. Yeah I know a wide range right? It's so much shit that can fit between this range. It wasn't always like this though. It all started at the end of my Sophomore Year. I remember it like it was yesterday.
Sophomore Year:
"So I heard You been talkin shit?" I say to this light skinned girl named Indya. People had been telling me that She was talking shit and I was sick of hearing that my name was in this girls mouth.
"What the fuck are you even talking about? I don't even speak on you so bitch be gone!" She yelled in the full cafeteria trying to cause a scene which she did. It got a lot of attention and people were staring!
"Bitch you need to just beat her ass!" My best friend Crystal says into the phone that is up to my ear. We have been Friends since we were 8 and I wouldn't change her for nobody.
"Imma call you back Crystal o.k? I don't got time for this bitch today!" I say into the phone. And before she could even answer I had already hung up my iPhone 6plus and stuck it in the pocket of my all black Polo Jogging pants. I look back at Indya who now looks a little scared. Ezactly what I had wanted.
"O.K but you talking all this big shit like I won't hop over this table and slap the fuck outta you!" I say as I stand up on the table to catch the attention of the rest of the cafeteria and the security and teachers who patrol the cafeteria during Breakfast and Lunch, It was breakfast right now so I wasn't feelin how she was talkin. She stands up like she was on something, so I kick her ass in her chest and hop off of the table on her side. I bend down so that she can hear me. "Keep my fucking name out of your mouth hoe. Or, you'll get more than just a kick in you're fucking chest!" I say to her calm and Security comes over and pulls me up.
"Get the fuck off me bro damn!" I say as I can feel the Security Guard stretching out my fucking sweater. I had just bought it and I was fucking pissed.
"What the hell is going on?" One of the principals Mr. Hendrickson says. I shrug my shoulders and look at Indya. She looks at me and sees the look that I was giving her and shakes her head.
"Nothing Mr. Hendrickson. I had fell backwards when I was getting up and Jurie was just asking if I was o.k." She says with a straight face. I nod excepting the answer. I guess he believed it because he nodded as well. He looked at Will aka Milk Dud the Security Guard that was holding me as if telling him to let me go. I fix my black Polo Sweater along with the white Polo hat that I had on. I love polo so I was mad he was grabbing on me like that.
"Did you pay $60 for this sweater? I didn't fucking think so don't be grabbing on my shit bro. You cool and all but don't be fucking grabbin on me like that my ghee." I say to Will. I was pissed man. I liked him and all but he be doing too much sometimes.
"Watch your mouth Jurie before you come to my office!" Mr. Hendrickson says to me through clenched teeth. I have a staring contest with him. Out of the corner of my eye I see Indya finally get off of the ground. He breaks eye contact with me and looks at her. I slowly look over to her and smirk.