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I was a happy,healthy dog.I was famous.I had a family who cared for me,gave me treats and taught me so much.I had won so many groomed,best behaved..the list could go on forever.I was worth more than any pop star.I was worth billions.

That's why they took me.

26th September,3AM:

I was in my bed,my food bowl and my water bowl beside me.I had some chew toys too.There was also some of my many medals and trophies.My thousand dollar collar hung around my neck,and my fur was perfect,very well groomed.I was living a better life than some humans.And that,was my last happy moment...I had no idea it could all change from there.. everywhere..what was going on? Of course I didn't know..but it was a fire..a massive one..a planned one.It was spreading everywhere,and fast.I howled..nobody came.But then,little Lucy came out of her bed,coughing.The fire was closing in at her."WARRIOR!" She shouted at me."WARRIOR!! WARRIOR COME HELP ME!" I looked into poor little Lucy's innocent 8 year old eyes.

I didn't help her.

It was my fault she died.

Right after she said that,I was stolen.Cold hands placed on my fur and I was grabbed into the dark,not knowing what was going on.I was a strong dog,a very strong dog,but I could barely breath with the smoke in me.I was thrown into a small car,and had a bandage wrapped around my muzzle.I did not deserve my name to be Warrior.I did not save Lucy's Life.I was not a Warrior.I was a coward.

My paw whacked against a sharp metal.I had my diamond collar yanked off and then the boot door shut.It was a short ride but it seemed to last forever...Where was Lucy? When the ride was over the boot door opened and once again I was pulled out.It was dark,but I could still see quite clearly.The man pulling me out had a black mask over his face and I could only see his dark green eyes,while the other man had no mask,he had scars and cuts across his face,a bloody lip and a black eye.His hair was half shaved into some kind of style.I didn't know what was happening.

I didn't know I was stolen.

They brought me inside a-what looked abandoned-reckless house.I could smell horrible smells.I was scared and shaking."This one will be worth a fortune" one man said as he high-fives the other man."Your right,Tommy!" So I figured out one of them was called tommy."Where'll we keep 'em?" "Lock 'em up tonight in the bathroom."

They threw me into a cold,wet tiny room.It was so dark I could barely see but I could smell blood.I put my foot forward and it landed In something wet...I didn't want to know what it was.I howled and cried,but nobody came.I wondered where tommy and the other man were.I didn't sleep that night.

In the morning I heard footsteps.Tommy grabbed me by the neck,I struggled,but there was nothing I could do.The other man came with some big black scary tape-and put it over my mouth."You stay quiet in here,or your dead!" He hissed at me.They put me into a bin and closed the lid shut.It was then I met mito.

A small,black pug with big black eyes started in front of me."What's going on?" I asked the small dog."Ever hear of hello?" He replied."My names Mito." I told him my name was...I couldn't say Warrior..."Toby.My name's Toby.Do you know why we're here?" Toby answered;"well,they put us in the bin because the guards are outside.Tommy and Ralph don't want the guards to know they stole us.I'd recommend you keep quiet unless you want to be killed." "We could try escape..." "Are you crazy Toby?! They'd catch us!" "Worth a try!" "NO!" Mito was howling."Shhh! I hear them coming!" I had a plan."Better get out of hear quick then.I knocked the bin down and the door flew open.I was ready to escape-when I saw tommy holding a knife in front of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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