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"Honey, we have something to tell you".

I glanced up from my novel and stared at my parents, wondering what they had to say. They exchanged a look, and then my dad spoke.

"We understand that you'll be 18 in three weeks, and we know we haven't been around for some of your other birthdays, but unfortunately -" my mum cut in.

"Another business trip came up and we -"

I sighed loudly, and raised my hands as if in surrender. "Okay, okay, I get it. You don't have task my permission you know? Just tell me you're ditching and then leave".

Like you always do.

I turned back to my book and tried to lose myself in it. But my folks weren't done talking.

"We'll be back by your birthday, Holly, and we'll make it up to you we promise", my mom rambled, trying desperately to save the situation.

"Sure you will", I muttered.I gave up on reading and leaned against the window.

My mom bit her lip and gave my dad a worried look. I closed my eyes and kept them closed until I heard them shuffle out and close the door behind them. I exhaled loudly before getting up from the window seat and throwing myself on my bed.

Every single time, the same old business trip. The reason why they missed my only ballet recital. Sure, I was only five, but it meant a lot to me. They weren't around for my school's production of Alice when I was eleven. And I had an important role too!

They missed my 13th birthday bash to go to Dubai, even though they planned it. My 16th birthday, they were in Australia.  And now they're not gonna be here for my 18th birthday. But they promised they'd be here for it. 

I know I probably shouldn't even care at this point, but I do. I'm pathetic, I know.

I could hear my parents talking in the hallway.

"She was awfully calm when we told her though. I'm gonna go check on her"

"I'm telling you, she's not gonna answer you"

"I'm her father, of course she will"

Footsteps. Then the sound of my door opening. I rolled over and pretended to be asleep.

"Holly, sweetie, you okay?"



He shut the door.

I sighed again. Well, at least I had winter break to look forward to. 


"That's so not fair!" 

"Yeah, that's like, the third time in a row"

"Thanks for the empathy guys, but I'm pretty much used to it now", I said to my best friends, Terry and Louis. We were in Lou's basement, initially doing homework but at this point we were just pigging out on chips and salsa.

"Even though, they should at least let you go with them", Lou continued. "It's not like your a kid who's just gonna get in the way".

"Yeah, and they're going to Africa. I wanna go to Africa!" Terry whined, being the drama queen she is. 

"Yeah well you're going to Barcelona anyway, so I don't see why you're complaining", Lou said, reaching over to grab more chips.

"Oh shut up, you mama's boy"

"I am not a mama's bo-"

"Louis! I need your help up here!" Lou's mom sang from upstairs. As if on cue, he let out a groan as Terry and I burst out laughing. He glared at us both before picking himself off the couch.

"Yeah, totally not a mama's boy", I managed to say in between giggles. Terry, on the other hand, was couldn't say a thing. She was laughing that hard.

"Shut up, Holly"


"I'm coming, Mother!"

"So, what are you gonna do on your birthday?" Terry asked once she was breathing normally again.

"Probably just chill at home, binge-watch YouTube, maybe start a new book series", I said shrugging "My aunt's coming over with her daughter, so I won't be too bored, at least".

"Riiiight", she nodded, taking a sip of water "Claire's just turned thirteen, right?"

"Twelve, actually".

"What! No way. She acts more mature than you do", she giggled, punching my arm lightly.

"Okay, that is so not true, Teresa".

"Shut up, Holland".

"You know you love me", I teased, sticking my tongue out at her.


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