11. With A Tainted Heart

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{Sara's POV}

I was at school,until Lydia came to my locker.

"Hey."I said

"Hey,so...how is everything?"she asks

"I got shot,I gained the ability to sense supernaturals and who knows,I probably might get bit by a vampire."I sighed

"So pretty normal?"she says

I nod.

"So,hey Lydia,little Red Riding Hood."says Aiden

"Leave me alone."I said,slamming my locker

"Whoa...Little Red,I just said hi."said Aiden

I scoffed and walked away,and then I bumped into Scott.

"Hey."he says

"Hey."I smiled


{Lydia's POV}

They were perfect for each other,absolutely perfect. Sara was gorgeous and kind and strong. All the things that Scott loves about her,what made me go awww was when he kissed her cheek and told her that she was his everything. It's so sweet.

Aiden,walked away and then Scott kissed Sara's hand and left. Sara was blushing a light pink.


{Sara's POV}

I walked to gym,and got ready to start running. I put on a black hoodie and than black sports caprees. I threw my hair into a ponytail and then tied my shoes.

I met up with Scott. And he was getting ready to run too,it was Coach's form of punishment to sneaking into the dance for the entire class.

"Ready?"he asked

"I ran for my life before,remember?"I chuckle

He kissed my cheek. And then Coach blew the whistle. And then we started running,and I started running faster,and I was ahead of Scott but stuck with the twins.

"Hey Red,running from your wolf?"laughs Aiden

I scoffed and ran until I tripped over something,and I realized it was a guy..a dead guy. I screamed. And then Stiles pulled me up.

"It's probably just a homeless kid,ignore it."says Coach

Scott caught up,and saw the kid.

"He went to our school,he was a senior."Scott said

Coach was swearing under his breath..I touched the guy and he started breathing again.

I stepped back,did I do that??If I did,than is that my power?

"Scott,did I do that?"I asked him,whispering

"I guess so."he says


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