Chapter 4: Which One Did I Kiss!?

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The next day of school is quiet. Levi is going to make Eren his boyfriend. They've waited too long. He needs to ask him before his brother does something stupid.

Levi turns the corner. Laying eyes on the one he loves before gasping.

Rivaille stands there next to him smirking. He backs Eren into the lockers and puts a hand above his head, smirking. Eren blushes viciously. The boy looks like he barely even knows what's happening. He went from a quiet morning of putting books away to having a hot smirking work of art staring at him like a piece of candy.

"L-Levi...What are you-" the boy doesn't get time to talk. In a split second, Eren feels a pair of lips capture his own into a kiss. Rivailles smirk is felt through the kiss. Its exciting for Eren. The boy loves it. He eats it up. Kissing back with a bright blush.

Levi stands there absolutely horrified.

"RIVAILLE!" Levi booms and in a second their kiss is broken. And Levi shoves his twin up hard against the lockers

Eren jolts in shock. "W-wait do-...Huh?!" Is Eren dreaming? There's two Levi's... But he was just kissing Levi, but Levi is pushing Levi up against a wall looking Iike he will kill Levi. So Levi has a twin? WAIT! WHICH TWIN DID EREN KISS?! Eren has done into a state of panic and frustration and confusion. But he should be more worried about the twins ripping each other up.

"Aww. You ruined it." Rivaille Huff's bluntly.

"You fucking asshole!" Levi yells "you kissed him! I was ment to kiss him! I was supposed to be his first kiss!!!" Levi pulls Rivaille forward then back into the lockers with a loud bang. "You're only here to screw with me and him! Fuck boy!"

"h-hey, um Levi's?" Eren tries to get their attention but the twins are two busy trying to destroy one another.

Rivaille groans from the force Levi is using and only glares at him with a sadistic smirk. "Hey, I resent that. And if you wanted to kiss him then you should have gotten here quicker." He says. This only riles Levi more.

"Eugh! Your only interested in whats in Erens pants!" Levi snaps.

"maybe I am. After seeing what he has, why wouldn't I be?"

Eren stands there in shock, blushing at the twins statement. How is he meant to feel about this?

Levi swings a punch at the older one which he dodges and shoves his twin back.
Levi growls then steps forward once more getting a punch into the side of Rivailles jaw. The twin then kicks his leg and shoves Levi making him trip up. Before kneeing him in the face. Levi grabs onto Rivailles leg and in a mighty pull hes on the ground. Levi stands up and is about to kick Rivaille in the side of the head before he is picked up by Eren who holds him back tightly. "Aah! BASTARD!" he yells at Rivaille who only smirks.

"Levi stop!" Eren yells to him with urgency. "That is... I-If that is you, Levi." The boys voice is trembling which immediately makes Levi focus on the boy who has his arms wrapped around him trying to keep him back from his supposed evil twin. Eren has never been a fan of fighting. It makes him anxious which is why he wants the brothers to cease brawling.

"Its me..." Levi blinks then glares at Rivaille "Thats Rivaille. Hes my twin brother. Acouple minutes older than me, hes just moved here" He says sourly

"when exactly..?" Eren presses.

"Yesterday." Rivaille says straightening himself out. "Yknow, when you kissed me? Willingly? Like just moments before when I took your first. Kiss." The evil twin emphasises the first kiss. He only wishes to set his brother off again.

"Yeah and then you pushed him to the ground like the JERK YOU ARE!" Levi screams and Eren hugs him tightly making sure he doesn't escape.

Rivaille only smirks "Levi you're too slow for Eren. He obviously likes you and you did nothing about it. He likes me better than you" he explains and Levi growls in a hostile manner.

"Such an animal" Rivaille tuts




"that's not the case at all!" Eren quickly intervenes. The twins glance at him in question. "Rivaille is going too fast for me... He's already tried to grab my ass. I don't know how to react..."

"Ha!" Levi spits and Rivaille rolls his eyes.

"You'll learn" he promises Eren "i know you will... because I've fallen for you too"

"What?" Levi blinks

"What? You mean. You like me?" Eren whispers.

"How could I not? You're so cute. Especially when you're nervous and all shakey." Rivaille hums and advances towards Eren.

"I liked him first. I was here first! God why did you have to come back!?" Levi yells.

Rivaille smiles warmly at Eren. "I'm sorry if i went to fast"

Levi blinks. Thats something Rivaille has that Levi doesnt. He'll show his emotions.

"That's... That's alright.." Eren forgives him with a small nod. He hasn't once let go of Levi's waist in fear he'll knock someone's teeth out. Rivaille takes a few steps closer to Eren and ruffles his hair before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I'll see you later, beautiful." He purrs and finally leaves only Levi with Eren.

Levi stiffens as Rivaille leaves. He just kissed Eren. Again!

"Ugh!" Levi holds his head in his hands. "I'm sorry too. I know you hate fighting"

"I forgive you. You are Levi... Right?" Eren asks carefully, earning a small nod. "Okay."
Eren smacks Levi's back. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD A TWIN! HE STOLE MY FIRST KISS WHEN I WAS SAVING IT FOR YOU AND I- ... I SENT MY FUCKING DICK TO HIM! BUT YOU BUT HIM AND!" Eren melts to the ground In a puddle of stress. This twin thing is too much for him.

"Im sorry!" Levi sits on the ground beside Eren and hugs him "i just hate him so much and i never talk about my family... i suppose this is what happens when i keep having and evil twin a secret" he says rubbing Erens back "please calm down Eren if it makes up for anything he never got to see your dick. I took my phone back right after he asked to see it"

"s-so... You saw it?! OH NO!" Eren whimpers burying his face into his hands in embarrassment. "I knew I shouldn't of sent it! I knew and I sent it anyway!"

"Its okay" Levi sighs and hugs him "I'll delete it if you don't trust me with it okay?" He says pulling out his phone and showing Eren before deleting it. "See?"

Eren breathes out a shaky breath of relief before leaning his head into Levi's shoulder. The boy is a mess. He's been teased by Rivaille for the past 24 hours. Seeing both twins like that just before, Eren's brain doesn't have that much compacity to register everything. He just feels so confused. He likes Levi... But now there's an exact copy. What if he ends up dating the wrong one? Rivaille already has Eren's first kiss. At the thought, Eren quickly slams his lips on Levi's, wanting a redo.

"Mnn!" Levi makes a noise into the kiss before sliding his hands around Erens waist and holding him gently. Kissing him hard back.
Sure Levis kisses aren't as skillfull as Rivailles who has probably done it millions of times but they're Levis and Eren loves them.

It's a short kiss but a kiss that Eren will now claim his first, and Levi now having his first as Eren. "Sorry..." Eren apologises. "I wanted to kiss you. Not your brother."

"Don't apologise" Levi hums
Eren only nods and stands up wearily. He feels beat.

"Levi I... we have to go to class..." Eren mutters. Levi nods and slowly links their hands together, more to comfort the Confused boy. The two begin walking to class, both now very alert of the trouble Rivaille will cause.

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