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That was me screaming in frustration! OMG i feel so nauseous, I'm going through firstdayofschoolnervousphobia it's a whole new year, a whole new school. Big thing is I'm in 7th grade a.k.a (also known as) WELCOME TO HELL! No don't misunderstand me I'm not always this negative. But right now I'm going through the most nerve wrecking situation, entering through the school gate. I feel like I'm gonna end up puking the croissant I had for breakfast or faint any second, I'm serious no joke! ):

I always knew starting a new school would be tough, but not THIS tough, I'm literally getting anxiety right now, I don't know anyone here. What would I do? Will I make friends? The only way to find the answers to all those questions was to walk through the gate, easy right? (Not).
I inhaled a deep breath and entered the school building it was better than I expected, tons of long hallways, filled with shiny lockers ahead, neat organised classrooms, year 7's  laughing away having fun already. It felt like I had entered a whole new world, maybe this years not going to be as bad as I thought, like I haven't faced any mean girls or bullies yet but just as I expected my happiness didn't last long....

I saw a group of CCP (cute, cool and popular) girls giggling away, not to be rude or anything, but I always seemed to get a little annoyed from those girls.
You know when they throw a racket hen they break a nail or there hair appointment was canceled, they apply pounds of make up, take a billion selfies, bragging about how many parties they went to over the weekend, like come on you get my point.
I was just heading towards my locker when I heard a racket happening, girls squealing and giggling that one unknown name "Stephanie" you might be wondering who that is i am too. Soon enough there was a large crowd formed around the lockers like a celeb was about to come, you know when the audience goes crazy when the celebs walk out on the red carpet just like that.
"OMG! she's here" one girl squealed and a girl figure appeared and the whole crowd rioted, what the heck?!
A girl with curly, blonde extensional hair that flowed down to her hips , with crystal, blue shimmering eyes hat shone confidently at the crowd, appeared. Over lip-glossed Kylie Jennar like lips that matched with her pounds of blush, eyeliner and foundation.
She blew kisses at the crowd, cat walking down the hallways like a model as the crowd stared in 'awe'. She looked like a 7th grader but acted like a fashion model from a magazine.
"OMG! It's really her Stephanie Hawkins" some one shouted,
"Oh my god look at her designer clothes" another girl pointed out. A sassy designer pair of jeans with a expensive satin material top, she must be super rich, I estimated.
"I heard her dad owns a enterprise, she's so rich" a guy pointed out, answering my question.

After a while the crowd finally cleared out letting me get to my locker, Stephanie even if I had always hated those kinds of fake, CCP, sassy girls I felt so unconfident about myself after seeing her. Who wouldn't like her? She was pretty, rich and popular, it felt odd to say popular since it was just the first day of school thought, 'Stephanie Hawkins' a name that everyone knew.
I eyed myself in my locker mirror, wavy dark brown hair pulling in a high ponytail, dark brown eyes, cream skin texture. A expressionless girl stared back at me, ugh! I really am stupid, I groaned as I got my books for my class.
"Ummm excuse me can you move out of my way?" I heard a sharp and sassy voice ask and I turned around to see Stephanie.
"What? - Stephanie- um" I shuttered like an idiot and she glared at me and gestured me to move and I stupidly moved and she opened the locker beside me. Wait! One of the most popular girls locker was next to mine? This has to be some kind of misunderstanding right?
"Oh cool your lockers next to mine, hi my names Katyln, Katyln Murray" I introduced myself without looking stupid for once, maybe if I could be a popular girl's friend, I could be popular too, but then I regretted that thought at all once the next second.
"Hello do you think I'm interested in talking to you, like come on look at you just, you have no fashion sense, so Kathy or whatever your name is don't talk to me again! " she snapped coldly, while applying more lip gloss and then sashayed away. I was so shocked by her coldness that I didn't really get to reply to her, just great! Stephanie Hawkins/ Ms. Popular hates my guts! So that makes me lose the last 1% chance I had of being popular. This is going to be a long year......

sorry guys for the short chapter, but I hope you liked this please follow me, like this chapter and comment if you have any questions or anything you want to tell me I would love to talk to you!
I love writing as you can see. I'm also in 7th grade so I know the miserable feeling of mean girls so I decided to write a book on a girl who's in year 7, but just if you're wondering all these events aren't based on my life but some do relate.
Sorry I won't be able to post new chapter very quickly since I'm very busy but I'll try my best!
So please wait for the next chapter,
What do u thinks gonna happen next?
What will Katyln do?
Will this year turn out to be a complete disaster?
Or will there be a twist?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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