💁 FAMily

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Hello again! I will be telling you about my family today.

I have a family of 7 including me. I have a job, although I'm not in middle school yet.

My dad has a job that's in Tehachapi. That is not Palmdale. My mum has a job of taking care of us, which is very hard considering she has to take care of 5 children and cook for them.

My eldest brother doesn't have a job yet, but he's looking for one. My eldest sister, she has a job of writing stories on Wattpad.

My other sister, doesn't have a job either. But, then there's me. I have a job of writing (cough really bad books cough) on Wattpad as well.

My family isn't perfect, and they aren't the type of parents and siblings I had hoped for, but at least I was fortunate enough to actually HAVE a family. I really appreciate that they actually care for me 😁.

Anyway, that's it for now.
Much love ❤
Word count: 172
Mari~ out!

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