Pink Diamond

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Y/n and Jasper stared deeply into each others eyes. Jaspers hands rested upon Y/ns hands. "I feel at peace when I am with you Y/n." Jasper grinned softly. She averted her gaze though. "I feel the same way with you that I felt with my Diamond." Y/n gasped. "You told me the diamonds were cruel." Jasper nodded. "They are but I didn't tell you about my original Diamond. Pink Diamond. When I was just made from the beta kindergarten. I was brought to her. She called me a perfect quartz. She told me I was beautiful. I grew to care deeply for her. I felt safe with her. She was the only kind diamond. Before I could tell her how I felt. She was shattered. Shattered by none other than one of her trusted gems Rose Quartz." Jaspers tears started to fall. "That day I was assigned to Yellow Diamond. I also had to deliver the news straight to her." Y/n reached over and wiped Japers tears. "I loved her. You remind me of her in some ways. Your kindness. Your beauty. But your someone even better. Someone who cares for me and I care for you." Jasper smiled. She leaned down and kissed Yn's hand. "In fact I love you Y/n." Y/n grinned. "I love you too Jasper." She leaned across the table and kissed Japer on the gem. "Jasper you are perfect. No matter what anyone else says." Jasper looked away and blushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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