Chapter Nine

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Jake was right. I have lost all my control over my own body, and it's frightening.
The chains clang together as I move, joined by the sounds of me screaming.
"BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD! KILL THEM ALL!", I shriek, laughing maniacally. "DIE BITCHES!"
The door opens, but I pay no attention, the voice screaming louder than I am.
"Ar you ready to kill?", Jake asks softly next to my ear.
"Kill?", I ask excitedly. "I get to kill?"
"Yes, you do", he smiles. "Promise to be a good girl?"
I giggle. "Pinky promise."
"Very good." I feel the shackles around my ankles get unlocked, then the ones around my wrists.
As soon as I'm free, I lunge at the man, knocking him onto the floor, grinning as I squeeze his throat with one hand, caressing the side of his face with the other.
"Killing you would have so much more satisfaction if there were blood", I sigh. "But this will have to do."
Jake grabs my wrist, flipping us around so that I'm the one on the floor, holding me down with his superior strength as I thrash around.
"Not so fast", he scolds. "You're gonna be a good girl, Cupcake. You promised."
I pout, but lie still on the ground, somehow finding the inner strength to resist the urge, which makes me wonder if it's not just an urge controlling me, but Jake's will.
My brain is ridiculous.
The next thing I know, I'm in a different room, but now I'm not alone and Jake is gone.
"Please, you have to help me." I lift up my head from where I'm sitting on the floor to see the woman with brunette hair and green eyes, tied to a chair next to a large table, lined with knives.
I get up slowly, trying to hide my grin.
"Who are you?", I ask, strolling over so that I stand in front of her. "Why are you here?"
"M-My name is Laura Kilara", she stammers, looking at me nervously. "Please, untie me."
I pick up the smallest knife and turn it over in my hand, slicing the tip of my finger.
"What are you doing? Please, who are you?"
My grin grows wider as I pace in front of her, twirling the weapon in my fingers. After a moment, I stop.
"My name is Theresa Moore." At the sound of my name, Laura's eyes grow wider.
"Please", she begs frantically. "Please, I'm a mother. I have a five year old. She needs me."
I sigh. "I'm not going to kill you. Good God, why does everyone assume I'm a killer?"
Her face gets hopeful. "You won't kill me?"
"Of course not." She sighs in relief. "I'll make you into art forever."
That's when I plunge the knife into her shoulder, making her let out a high pitched scream as I cut her arms, stab her stomach and cut her cheek.
"Stop screaming", I mutter, just loud enough that the woman can hear. "It makes this less fun."
"Please", she says weakly, blood trailing out of her mouth. "Please."
I slit her throat. That's as much as I can do to help her pain.
That was fun. Now I just need more.
The door opens behind me and I turn around, holding the knife out in front of me, ready to strike.
Jake claps his hands slowly as he walks towards me, Adara behind him as they examine me and my masterpiece.
"Good girl", the man praises me. "Are you ready for more?"
I twirl the blade in my hand, smirking as Jake circles me.
"More", I mutter under my breath. "Give me more."
"As you wish."

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