Chapter 6

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Ed: I wanna do the Disclaimer! :D Ok Kenji(ShadowGamer1560) Does not own FMA, Bleach, Soul Eater, or Naruto or any of their Characters! Done! Kenji and JJ take it away

Kenji & JJ: Ok well Time to Get Started!

JJ: Liz! Truth Or Dare!?

Liz: Both! >.< I can do this! *Worried Look*

JJ: Alright Have u ever kissed and Ghost? *Giggles*

Liz: Ooh NO! Bleh!

JJ: *Hehe* Then you have to Kiss this one as  a Dare *Pulls Ghost of Christmas Past of Her Pocket*

Liz: *Gulps* B-But Why! *Falls to Knees Crying and shaking her fists*

JJ: C'mon Liz! Its a Dare! :3

Liz: *Pecks the Ghost on the Lips* Ahhh! Its So Nasty! Where's Kid? D:

Kid: Huh?

Liz: *Kisses Kid* No More Ghost taste :D

Kid: *Blushing* Ok Then

Kenji: Hey Ed I got a Special one for you!! :D Truth Or Dare?

Ed: :D Really? Dare! Dare!

Kenji: I Dare you to eat these Lucky Charms with a Rainbow Shooting out of it! ^^

Ed: Woo Hoo! Wait there's no Milk is there? -_-

Kenji: Nope just the Cereal! ^^

Ed: *Huge Smile* Nom! Nom! Nom! *Finishes Lucky Charms and even eats the Rainbow...O_o*

Kenji: Uh Good Job Ed...

Liz and Patty: Soul Truth Or Dare?

Soul: *laughs Like a Cool Guy* Dare

Liz: I Dare you---

Patty: To Lick the person Closest to you!

Liz: How Dear you butt in like that!!! *Growling*

Soul: *Haha* Alright *licks Kenji on the face*

Kenji: Uh *Soul and Kenji sit awkwardly*

Naruto: Patty! Truth Or Dare?

Everyone: Naruto!?!?!?!?!

Patty: Dare!! :D

Naruto: Sing A Song! :D

Patty: What Song? :O

Naruto: Hmmm..Kenji help me out? D:

Kenji: You should sing Counting Stars by One Republic!

Patty: Ok Lets do this! :D

Soul & Kenji: *Starts Playing the Song*

Patty: "Lately I've been losing Sleep dreaming bout the things we could be but baby I've been praying hard, said no more counting dollars well be counting Stars!"

Everyone: *Claps*

Patty: *Blushes* Thank you! Thank You! *Bows*

JJ: Rukia! You haven't had a turn in awhile have you! ^^ So Truth Or Dare?

Rukia: Tr--

Black*Star: Hey Neither Have I!! *Grrr*

Kenji: *Knocks Black Star Out and Drags him away* Continue as you were...

JJ: Uh Ok like I said Truth Or Dare?

Rukia: Uh Truth

JJ: Alright! ^^ Is it true you wish you was taller?

Ed: Yay! I'm not being called Short again! :D

Kenji & Soul: Your Still a midget! *Laughs* *Highs Fives*

Ed: I AM NOT SMALL I AM JUST FUN SIZE...*Cries in a Corner* I don't wanna do this anymore! D:

Rukia: Yes actually I do wish I was Taller *Smiling*

Kenji: Man too much Drama for one Chapter *Laughs* I think we should end it here. Well guys until next Chapter! Bye!

JJ: Bye! ^^

I really hope you enjoyed Chapter 6! ^^ Thank u so much for anyone who reads these! Also please don't forget to Follow, Like, and Share! :D Also if you want us to do a Truth Or Dare then either Comment it or PM me or JjWolfy33! Again thanks For Reading! :D

P.S- Anyone into FMA should really go Check out JjWolfy33 book Silver Alchemist! Its really good and I would recommend it for anyone who likes FMA!

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