Chapter 3

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Jay's POV

I woke up to the sunlight going through the blinds and landing on my eyes. I squinted at the sudden light and covered my eyes, sitting up in the process. I thought about the dream again, shuddering afterwards. I rubbed my bare arms in hopes of getting rid of the goosebumps that appeared on my body.

I stood up going to the bathroom in my room.(yee, i made them have their own rooms xD) I let my arms hold me up as I leaned onto the bathroom counter, looking at myself in the mirror. I definitely looked like I had no sleep. I combed my hair and did my best to look like my usual self, then brushed my teeth.

Once I finished, I let out a sigh and walked out of my room. 

Everyone seemed to be out training since the Bounty was empty. I saw the kitchen table and a plate with food on it. There also seemed to be a sticky note next to it. I picked up the note and read it in my head

I remember you not having much sleep, so I let you sleep in as much as possible. And I left breakfast for you before they ate it all. I hope you slept enough, and enjoy your breakfast                                                                                                                                                         ~Zane :)

I smiled a bit. I really loved Zane. As in more than a friend, more than a best friend. I never let it show. So when I met Nya, I knew I could pretend to like her so he'd never know. Even when I lost my voice (because of Cole...) and tried to ask Nya if she liked the color blue, Zane helped me by saying it for me, "Jay would like to know if you liked the color blue." I blushed, and they thought it was because I was embarrassed or that I had a chance with her. But it wasn't.

It was him. Even now I can't hide my feelings for him. He always had my heart, even if he's a robot. Er. Nindroid.

Thoughts crept into my head about Zane as I ate my breakfast in silence. 

I put my plate in the sink and got dressed in my normal blue ninja gi. Right when I finished, the alarm sound rang throughout the Bounty. I grabbed my nun-chucks and sword and ran out of my room to the bridge.

I was about the last one there as Nya told us our mission.(yes Nya's the water ninja and goes on missions with them) We had to go to the bank because it was being robbed. I flipped on my hood and so did everyone else as we jumped off the Bounty forming our elemental dragons.

What I didn't know is that it wasn't just a simple robbery...

You're welcome :D 

My phone is broken on the inside so I'm typing this on my chromebook and feels weird but whatever, i actually have a plan for this story so hopefully it works out :D


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